Waking up together

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Jac helped Fletch up the stairs and into bed.
"This broken leg is so annoying"
"It could have been so much worse Fletch. Scum" said Jac
"All I remember is walking home and feeling happier than I had for years, then blackness and then  Holby ED with some crazy woman trying to kiss me"
Jac hit him playfully and kissed him.
"There she goes again" He said hugging her "did anyone you know see you bring me in"
" hmm. Not sure. Possibly Connie, possibly Robyn"
"Christ I've gotta warn you Jac if Robyn did see you the whole hospital will know by now"
"Well I guess we'll soon find out if she did. Nothing we can do about it. I certainly wasn't going to leave you I don't care who saw us. It puts things into perspective. To worry about people knowing about us  pales into insignificance against you being ok and remembering us"
He hugged her again "well it might have moved things on faster than we planned. I think involving families has run away with itself as well. You did so well with Evie . I know she appreciates it because she was scared and didn't know what to do"
"She's a good kid Fletch. She didn't have to ring me and say you were ok and home. I mean you couldn't even remember anything about what we'd come to mean to each other and I had no official right to know anything" Jac's voice wobbled as she was close to tears
" hey come on it's worked out fine in the end" he comforted her
" you know you really do give the best hugs. Well, you'd  give Sacha  a run for his money anyway"
Fletch chuckled "When is Emma coming home?"
"Day after tomorrow"
"What do you have planned?"
"Usual. Park, zoo, bloody jungle Jim's funhouse. It's just about spending time with her really. I might" she said "even do some baking with her"
"Bloody hell Jac. Calm down "
She laughed "yeah I might not"
"Chocolate brownies are my signature dish" he stated proudly.
"Well I might have to see evidence of that Mr Fletcher. Can I lick it clean?" She said suggestively  "the bowl I mean"
"Urgh corny Jac"
"I know" she smiled. "You bring out the corny in me Fletch"
All this while she had been stroking his chest and stomach and now her hand was moving further down his body.
Fletch moaned "Jac" he murmured
The next morning it felt right waking up next to each other.
"I was thinking. Do you want to come over for Sunday lunch today. My mum does a mean roast"
"Oh erm yeah sure"
"It's just I've never been for lunch at a ... what are you exactly a boyfriend, a partner, a lover"
He laughed. " I don't think we have to label it but if you must I prefer stud muffin!"
"oh alright. At the risk of sounding 15 what about boyfriend?"
"Ok. So I've never been to lunch at a boyfriend's mother's before"
"Not even Jonny's?"
"God no she hated me with a passion"
"Well I think my mum is gonna love you"

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