Mumy 💙Fletch

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Emma was excited to be home. Jac decided that it was unfair for the Fletchlings to know about her and Fletch when her own child did not
"Emma" said Jac whilst they were making Rice Krispie cakes "can you remember that vinyl record that you thought was a funny blackboard?"
"Yes" Emma said warily. She had been told off about that
"Well, can you remember what you drew on it"
"It said mumy 💙 Fletch"
Jac laughed " Yes it did baby"
"Well Fletch is now my boyfriend" Jac really did feel silly calling Fletch her 'boyfriend' at their age.
Emma didn't say anything for a moment
"I still love daddy though"
Jac wrapped her up in her chocolatey arms. "Fletch is not your new daddy hun. But he is my boyfriend so you'll be seeing him a bit more, is that OK?"
"I like Fletch mummy he makes me laugh, he's funny"
"Yeah funny guy" Jac commented
"And I'm friends with Theo now"
" oh you mean after you nearly caved his head in with a wooden block young lady"
"I only did that cos I liked him"
Jac laughed loudly "classic Naylor"
"Come on let's get this cleared away and then what do you want to do"
"See Fletch, see Fletch" Emma squealed excited
Jac smiled "I thought we could spend time together just the two of us because we don't do that much. Besides Fletch is recovering, a bad man hurt him"
Emma looked shocked "is he going to die" she said dramatically
Jac laughed " no sweetheart, he's got a broken leg though"
"pleeeeeese can we go and see him"
Jac found it hard to say no to that gorgeous face "I'll ring him"
" hey Naylor"
"Fletch I have a member of your fan club here who wants to come and see you"
"Would that be miss Emma?"
"Yes it would what do you think. It's fine if you're too tired or.."
"I'm so bored Jac. I would love some mini me company"
"Ok missy,you've got your own way again" Jac ruffled her hair affectionately
"Shall we take him some krispie cakes mummy?"
"I think he'd love that baby" said Jac.
"Hi"said Fletch opening the door to them
"You're my mummy's boyfriend" Emma accused but giggling
He grinned and bent down as best he could with his leg "Yes I am is that ok with you?"
Emma folded her arms and gave him a look which was exactly like her mother's
"I like you Fletch you're funny. You and mummy - it's like what I drew on the round record blackboard. Here's some krispie cakes to make your leg better" she handed him a box
"Well thank you. I'm sure they will be a great help"
He stood up, reaching out for Jac to steady himself
"Well I understood about 75% of that"
"Hmm" Jac laughed "I may have a little confession for you later"
He gave her a peck on the lips "I'm intrigued ms Naylor"
"Mummy. Fletch has got a park in his garden can I go and play" she was referring to the swing, slide, climbing frame and trampoline that came with having 4 kids
"Course you can"said Fletch opening the French doors
"Cute" he said taking Jac in his arms "definitely cute"

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