So cruel

810 18 5

Fletch was pleased to see his family but he was unclear about what had happened
" how did I end up in here like this" he asked Robyn one of the nurses whilst she was doing his obs. His family still gathered round him
"The paramedics said it looked as though you'd been mugged on Gordon street about midnight"
"What the hell was I doing on Gordon street at that time of night?"
"Dad- do you really not remember?"
"You were walking home from Jac's house"
"Jac's house, what was I doing there"
" Dad" Evie sobbed
"Hey ssshh" said Robyn "he's a bit battered and bruised but he'll be absolutely fine"
"He can't remember"
"That's quite normal. He has a touch of concussion. It usually starts to get better within about 48 hours but it'll help if you talk to him about what's been happening over the past two weeks or so"
"Let's concentrate on getting you home love" said Fletch's mum
"He should be ok to go today, the CT was clear.Just need to get the paperwork done and get you sorted with some crutches"
A police officer approached Fletch's bed
"Mr Fletcher, we just wondered if you remember anything about the attack? We have located your phone and wallet which had both been discarded in a front garden near the scene Unfortunately all your bank cards and any cash is gone so we have a crime number for you and you will have to contact your bank and card providers to cancel them."
"Sorry I don't remember anything. How did I even get here?"
The officer checked his notes " erm a Ms Naylor brought you in"
"So you say I was walking home from Jac's and she brought me in. Mum, Evie what's going on"
"Let's talk about it at home Dad"
"0k" said Fletch. He felt uneasy, something was going on and he couldn't remember a thing.
They eventually got home an hour later. Evie was half expecting Jac to still be sat on the bench outside but it was empty.
Jac had left just after Fletch's family had arrived. She went home and curled up on her bed fully clothed. It smelt of him. She cried herself to sleep. This was so cruel. They'd only just got together and now he could only remember her as a colleague.

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