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The next day Jac agreed to pick Ella up from school. She had a place in the after school club next term but for now Jac was waiting in the playground. She and Emma had been swimming in the morning and then she'd dropped Emma off to play with Theo.
A Lycra clad woman came over to Jac
"Hi I'm Darlene"
Course you are thought Jac.
"Who you collecting, didn't know there were any new kids"
"I'm collecting Ella Fletcher"
"Oh where's her scrummy father? When he didn't ask me to pick her up I assumed he'd be back"
Jac raised her eyebrow
"Still laid up" she said
"Wouldn't mind giving him a bed bath if you know what I mean. Who are you then?"
"Friend from work" Jac said vaguely. God this woman was annoying
Eventually Ella came out with Darlene's daughter Skylar.Jac rolled her eyes when she heard her the name
"Merida" shouted Ella running over to Jac laughing
"Hey Ella" smiled Jac
"Skylar, this is my daddy's girlfriend Jac"
"Hi" said Skylar
It was Darlene's turn to raise her eyebrows.
"Sorry I didn't know love"
"Yes well you won't be needed for any bed baths anytime soon. Thanks anyway" Jac smiled sweetly and turned on her heel with Ella.
Ella was chattering about her day all the way home in the car
"Hey we're back" shouted Jac
"Daddy I'm going to see Emma, Jac said she was here"
"They're just in the living room baby"
He hugged Jac "did you survive the playground" he asked
"Met Darlene"
" she's crazy right?"
"Hmm I think i've ruined your chances with her"
"Sorry, ruined my what?"
"Well she's crazy alright, crazy about you. I think she described you as 'scrummy' and offered to give you a bed bath while you were laid up. Ella blew my cover when she came out and introduced me as your girlfriend"
They studied each other, trying to gauge their reactions. Jac cracked first and burst out laughing. Fletch joined in "I had no idea, I just thought we had good banter"
"Do you know what your problem is Mr Fletcher?" She cheekily snaked her hands under his t shirt
"What's that?"
"You're just too sexy for your own good and sometimes you don't even realise"
He laughed  "well the only person giving me a bed bath would be you" He bopped her on the nose
"Eewww I don't think so Fletcher. I am not a nurse. I don't have the patience or the compassion"
"Oh well maybe I'll call Darlene"
"One you're not bed bound and two" she bopped him on the  nose "I'll break her stupid Lycra clad antipodean legs if she comes anywhere near you"
"Of her?" Jac snorted
"Well who knew the ice queen could get jealous. I think it's adorable"
"Urgh too much Fletch. Too much"
He laughed "you're too easy to wind up Jac"
This time she punched him lightly in the chest but he grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a lingering kiss.

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