Sunday Lunch

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"What shall I wear?" Jac said rifling through her wardrobe
"Is the great Jac Naylor , ice queen of Holby nervous?" Fletch laughed
"Shut up Fletcher" she threw a pillow at him
He carried on laughing "seriously Jac, jeans and a t shirt is fine." He stood up and hobbled to her and enveloped her in his arms. "Relax, she's gonna love you. You've made her little boy very happy"
"Oh god you're not a mummy's boy are you Fletch?
"No" he said indignantly "come on let's go"
They arrived to a scene of Evie and her grandma peeling potatoes, mikey  playing on the x box, Ella and Theo were singing Disney songs loudly and out of tune on a small karaoke machine
Jac surveyed the scene. This was a happy chaotic house like nothing she'd ever experienced before. She felt a huge grin across her  face.
Fletch gently laid his hand in the small of her back and led her to the kitchen.
"Mum this is Jac" said Fletch
"Mrs Fletcher" Jac smiled
"Oh love call me Julia please" she hugged Jac warmly
"Evie you've met Jac haven't you?"
"Yeah hi again" said Evie shyly
Jac simply smiled at her " hi"
"Adrian open a bottle of wine love" said his mum
Fletch opened the wine  and then guided Jac through to meet the other 3.
"Hey kids. This is Jac, Theo you remember Emma Naylor's mummy"
"Emma's not there anymore. I miss her"
After a rocky start Emma and Theo had become good friends
Jac crouched down to his level
"she's just having a little holiday"
"Who is you favourite Disney princess?" Ella asked almost accusingly
Jac laughed "Merida from Brave"
"Hmm she's got red hair like you. I like her" Ella seemed pleased with Jac's choice.
"How did you come up with that so quickly" Fletch whispered
"I live with a 4 year old girl. It's a standard question. And Merida has red hair and kicks ass. She was clearly based on me" Jac whispered back. He kissed the top of her head. " you are full of surprises Ms Naylor"
They sat down to lunch a short while later.The conversation flowed between them all. Jac loved Fletch's relationship with his kids - the gentle ribbing went both ways.
"Is Jac your girlfriend" asked Ella
"Well she is a girl and she is my friend "
"Daddy" Ella giggled " you know what I mean"
"Oh you mean like a kissy  kissy girlfriend?" He joked
"Oh well in that case yes Jac is my girlfriend" he gave Jac a quick peck on the lips
"Gross" commented Mikey and Fletch guffawed. "Just wait a couple of years mate"
Jac complimented Julia and Evie on the delicious meal and insisted that she and Fletch wash up.
"Well" he said drying a plate "that wasn't so bad was it?"
"No. I've really enjoyed it" Jac admitted
"See not scary at all"
"Fletch you know I don't do family. I never experienced one but this was fun"
He hugged her from behind and nuzzled her neck
"I'll get the post match analysis later but initial signs are favourable" he joked
"You're biased though" she leant back into him
"Yes I am" he concluded

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