When you know

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They sat on the sofa and watched Emma having a great time
"Sorry" Jac said. "She didn't want to spend time just with me once she knew about you"
He squeezed her shoulders "don't take it personally babe. I'm just a novelty. Anyway confession"
Jac blushed she took a deep breath. "Ok -don't hate me"
Fletch raised a quizzical eyebrow
"You know when Raf's record collection landed in my office"
"Yes" he said slowly
"And you know there ended up being one missing"
"Yes" he said even more slowly
"Well I took it. Thought you needed the distraction. Anyway I planned to give it back after the appropriate time of you whining about it, however when I went to get it Emma had written Mumy💙Fletch on it. It ended up broken and in the bin so that is why I had to spend a small fortune replacing it"
Jac looked at him anxiously
Fletch's face cracked into a huge grin and guffawed "I bet your face was priceless when you saw she'd ruined the record "
Jac laughed with relief "yep I imagine it was. You're not cross with me for taking it"
"If I'd known at the time I would have had a fit" he laughed " but hey, seriously what have I got to be cross about now. The collection is complete, I have you and found out that your clever daughter knew about us before we did"
"That's a relief" smiled Jac
"A lesser man would have made you suffer for months"
"Oh and you're better than that are you Fletch?"
"Life's too short babe" he kissed the top of her head
"Like you said after you were attacked, that one event has moved this faster than we anticipated with the kids but maybe life's too short to hold back on that too. It's going to be ok isn't it Fletch?"
" Jac, neither of us are in the first flush of youth. We have known crap relationships so we didn't want to jinx it when we found a good one. But at our age when you know, you know. We've wasted enough time already Jac"
"You always know what to say to make me feel better"

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