I've got an hour

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Fletch took his break at the bench where he and Jac had often eaten once they had called a truce on being in each other's lunchtime peaceful space.
He took out his phone
Hey Fletch she answered. Her heart annoyingly skipping a beat when she saw his name on the caller id how's work?
He smiled , she sounded relaxed
It's ok but boring without you to annoy he chuckled  I'm sitting on our bench
You mean my bench that you invaded she laughed are you eating one of your disgusting sandwiches
He could hear the smile in her voice yes i'm having my usual tasty feast. Frieda was grilling me earlier I think I pulled it off. She had spoken to Sacha who had rung Jonny
Jac gasped in horror I was supposed to call sacha but I erm got distracted the past few days
Oh yes and what did  you get distracted by? He grinned I've been quite distracted myself over the last few days
Hmm massive coincidence that. Anyway I've booked a 3 day break to Poole. I go tomorrow. I also have a physio appointment later
I'm pleased you're looking after yourself Jac he said affectionately. He meant it he wanted her to use this time to heal
Thanks Fletch
I really care about you getting better Jac
I know you do. You've helped me so much already
Cos I love you, you filthy girl
She giggled I don't know what you're talking about
Course you don't. Listen babe I'm gonna have to get back
Ok. I'll keep in touch. Love you
Love you
He hung up and immediately rang his babysitter who would pick Theo up from crèche and collect the others from school and do tea
Hey Kelly it's Fletch. Any chance you could do an extra hour tonight. Somethings come up
No problem.
Thanks . See you later
Fletch had decided he needed to see Jac before she went away. He'd only been away from her for a few hours and he was already having withdrawal symptoms, finding it hard to concentrate when images of Jac in various states of undress kept creeping into his mind. As soon as his shift finished he raced over to Jac's
"Fletch what are you doing here"
"I had to see you before you go. I've got an hour"
He pushed her up against the wall in the hallway and kissed her hard, his hands quickly under her top and inside her loose sweatpants. Stroking her, teasing her, taking her right to the edge
"Fletch" she gasped " oh my god" she moaned. He laid her down right there in the hall and undressed her quickly and unbuckled his pants whilst Jac made short work of his shirt .
They moved together as if they had always been. They knew exactly what each other needed. Eventually Fletch collapsed on top of her. Briefly nuzzling her neck, his breathing heavy.
"Wow" she murmured in his ear
"Sorry. I couldn't hold back. That was a bit frantic wasn't it. You ok? I didn't hurt you "
"Shut up Fletcher. That was amazing. Remind me to plan to go away more often"
"Just wait till you get back Ms Naylor."
Jac shivered with anticipation "can't wait"

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