She's home

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Jac pulled up outside her house, shut off the engine and yawned. It had been a long drive.
On her doorstep was a bunch of yellow roses, a bottle of wine and a pizza takeaway menu. On it was a note
If you get back before me - welcome home Jac
I'm coming round at about 6. I'll see you then
Fletch xx
She smiled to herself. No body had ever done anything like this for her.
She went in and arranged the flowers in a vase.
Put the wine in the fridge. It was 4pm. She was whacked. She sent Fletch a text
I'm back. Am shattered so going to have shower and nap. Key will be under the plant pot in the porch. Just let yourself in
Mine's a 7" veggie pizza
J xx
P.s thank you so much for the flowers and wine. You're spoiling me
Fletch glanced at his phone and smiled at the thought of sleepy Jac. Just 30 minutes more and then home, sort the kids out and head round to Jac's for a couple of hours. Evie, the new Jac and Fletch superfan, reasoned that she regularly babysat for the neighbour's little boy and could therefore be left in charge of her siblings for a few hours while he went to see Jac.
"Ok but I won't be late back"
Evie just smirked and rolled her eyes
Fletch chuckled. He showered and changed and put just a touch of cologne on.
"Will I do?" He asked Evie. Evie considered him - faded jeans, a dark blue tight t shirt, nice brown rider boots and a deep brown suede jacket.
"Yeah you'll do." She grinned "now go"
Fletch was buzzing with excitement to see Jac. It had only been 3 days and they'd face timed every night. It took 15 minutes to walk to Jac's house- he decided to leave the car at home just in case they opened that bottle of wine. He grinned - slightly tiddley Jac was great fun.
He found the key and quietly let himself in. Removing his shoes at the door he softly called her name. Receiving no reply he silently went upstairs. He stood in the doorway of her room. She was lying asleep on top of the bed in a fluffy white dressing gown which had fallen open to reveal her left breast, part of stomach and thigh.
He was instantly hard
"Calm down Fletch" he told himself
He approached the bed and shrugging off his jacket gently lay down next to her , carefully stroking her arm to wake her slowly and not scare her. His care was rewarded with a sleepy " mmmm. Hi Fletch"
" Hey you" he kissed her exposed neck. She slowly turned over
"Miss me?" She asked
"Like you wouldn't believe" he replied and kissed her deeply whilst fully opening the dressing gown.
"You smell nice Mr Fletcher" she murmured as he began to run his hands up and down her side

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