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Fletch reluctantly left Jac's bed early morning. He had to pick his children up from his mum's, get them sorted for school and crèche and get himself to work on a late shift.
"Jac I'm going now babe"
"No. Not fair" Jac complained
"I know. I'll call you later"
"What are you gonna tell Petrenko?"
"Well obviously that I've been shagging you senseless for the past two days and have told you I love you and that you've nicked my favourite hoodie"
Jac laughed "Don't let on yet please"
"0k don't panic. I'll speak to you later" he kissed her deeply and left
Jac couldn't bare how empty her bed felt. Jesus after two days. She was in a mess
She got up even though it was early. She sat in her kitchen with coffee and browsed through her phone for nice places to stay in Poole. One of the only good memories of the home was one holiday they had to a social services holiday home. Only girls had gone and only female workers so no bullying from the boys no   abuse from the workers. Jac felt awful that she couldn't remember if Fran, or Dawn as she was known then, was there. Anyway they spent a week of going to sandbanks beach, eating fish and chips in the harbour and playing board games in the evenings.
She found a little B and B and booked for 3 nights. She would leave tomorrow morning.
She then rang the physio who had had a cancellation that afternoon and so she made an appointment to go for an assessment. As she waited for her toast she mused how few times in her life she had allowed herself to do what she wanted with no expectations from anyone else. No working to distract from inner demons. No actions taken with the specific purpose of hurting or destroying someone else that usually ended with her feeling awful as well but at least the walls were intact
"He's blown that strategy out of the water" he grinned to herself. Whilst eating her breakfast she reviewed the past couple of days; it was hard to believe that it hadn't been a dream but then she looked down and was still choosing to wear Fletch's hoodie in the morning over her pyjamas. God was she going to stop smiling. Ever. Her face wasn't used to it.

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