The Universe

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A couple of hours later they had nearly finished the wine and were sitting on the floor in the living room.
"You have pizza sauce on your face" said Fletch " here let me" he wiped her mouth with his thumb as Jac tried to lick it off
Her breath hitched
"I really thought you were going to kiss me when you last did that in my office" she smiled
"I can rectify that now" he said and kissed her lightly "I'll let you in on a secret Jac - it took everything I had not to kiss you that day. I just didn't know how you would react"
"We've wasted so much time. If only I was a normal person who could just admit she wanted to be with someone without worrying that I'm going to hurt them and in the process hurt myself" Jac said sadly
"Yeah but then that wouldn't be you and maybe I wouldn't have fallen in love with that version and anyway you were worth the wait. Every day at work was charged with tension. It was quite exciting"he held her close to him
"Let's try not to lose that"
" I'm sure we'll think of something to make long shifts more exciting" he started tickling her. She giggled
"I'm going to have to go Jac. Evie insisted I leave her in charge but I don't want to be too long"
"I understand. I knew what I was getting myself into it's just it feels like so long since I woke up with you"
"It's a week" he said "it must have been fate that you turned up at my house when my kids were at mum's"
"I know. Almost like the universe was working in our favour for once"
"Hmm we've both had a life so far  that would suggest the universe didn't like us too much" Fletch said
"maybe we've broken the curse Fletch"
"Definitely" he said "I'm really gonna have to go hun"
She followed him to the door and admired his backside as he bent over to put his shoes on. Becky definitely had a point there
She pulled him in for a long and fairly passionate goodbyes kiss
"Well thanks for that Jac. Get me all horny then send me home"
"Sorry" She said sheepishly "that's a great outfit by the way. You look very handsome" she said taking hold of his lapels
Fletch blushed it had the Evie deck of approval
"I always liked that girl "
"Well she approves of this" he gestured between them
She hugged him
"Bye for now then babe" he said "I'll call you when I get home"

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