Can you hear me

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Fletcher felt ten feet tall as he walked home. His mind kept pulling back to that goodbye kiss.
He didn't notice the hooded figure following him, didn't see him quicken his pace, take out a baseball and drag Fletch to the ground
" I need money. Give me what you've got"
"Ok ok" Fletch tried to placate him but he was clearly on drugs and couldn't be reasoned with
"Here take my wallet"
"And your watch"
"Phone?" Fletch reluctantly handed his phone over. The attacker hit him hard in the leg and kicked his head. Fletch passed out from the pain and lay all alone on an unfamiliar street.
It was 12.30 - so much for not being late thought Evie. She was tired, the others had gone to bed but she didn't want to go until her Dad got back.
She rang his phone again and again it went straight to voice mail.
She turned the piece of paper over and over in her hand. Fletch had written Jac's number down in case of emergencies . Evie was now less annoyed, more worried. She dialled the number nervously
God who's ringing at this time of day. By now it was 1am. Probably Fletch but she didn't recognise the number
Hello is that Jac Naylor?
Yes who's this
I'm Evie Fletcher. Is my dad still there. Just he said he wasn't going to be late
No Jac said shakily he left about 11. He should have been home hours ago
Evie choked back a sob
I don't know what to do
Ok said Jac . She was panicking inside but needed to keep calm for Fletch's daughter who she'd only met a handful of times you stay by the phone Evie. I am going to walk the route he would take to your house and if I don't see him I'll come to your house and we'll ring the police. Ok? I need you to stay calm for me . Are your brothers and sister in bed?
Ok I'll speak to you soon
Jac pulled on a coat and began to walk. She had a bad feeling about this she walked with her keys wrapped around her knuckles ready to punch any attacker. As she rounded the corner she saw a figure curled up on the ground not moving. She ran towards it, she knew it was him. She quickly bent down by his side
"Fletch, Fletch can you hear me. It's me Jac. Fletch" she said a little louder shaking him gently

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