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Fletch arrived at his mum's 20 minutes after leaving Jac's.
He bounced in the kitchen, seemingly back to his old self.
"Come on you lot finish your breakfast and get you school bags ready"!
"Time for a cuppa love?"
"Just a quick one mum thanks" he said nicking a slice of Evie's toast
"Hey" she complained but smiled anyway. It was just nice to see her dad happy. Didn't happen as often as it used to before the shooting. Before Raf died.
"So, good days off?" his mum said " you're bright and breezy this morning"
He took a sip of his tea and smirked. "I saw Jac"
"I thought she'd gone away"
"She turned up on my doorstep. She loves me back mum" he thought it best to spare her the details
"Oh I'm so pleased for you love. When will I get to meet her?"
"We're taking it slowly there's my crew and her daughter to consider"
"Oh well I look forward to meeting the woman who's put a smile back on your face" Fletch's mum said affectionately. Fletch blushed, Jac had put a smile on his face more than once over the past few days he thought.
Walking onto the ward felt different to him. It was weird Jac not being there anyway but with what had happened over the past 3 days it was weirder still.
"Good afternoon ladies" he said to Frieda and one of the nurses who were at the nurses station. "Are we all on track for the afternoon
theatre list"
"It's all in hand Fletch" said Frieda
"Ok I'll be in my office going through e mails and stuff" he'd just turned his computer on when Frieda came in
"So did you hear from her?" There was no need to explain who she was talking about
"Not a word" said Fletch doing a reasonable job of looking down hearted
"I spoke to Sacha. He's not heard anything but spoke to Jonny who said she's left Emma with him for 2 weeks. Had no plans as to where to go but did ring him to speak to Emma. She told him that she was somewhere where she could sort her head out and recover physically"
"Well nice of her to let us know she's actually alive" he said flatly. That phone call to Jonny was straight after they'd shared their first kiss and just before they had ended up in his bed. He struggled to control his blushes and mischievous grin. Frieda left his office
"I think I pulled that off" he thought
"He definitely knows something" thought Frieda

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