Evie knows

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Jac had just got out of the shower and sat with a towel round her. Hair still damp. She face timed Fletch
He was in his bedroom in a pair of boxer shorts just getting ready for bed
"Hi" Jac said as he answered
"Hi - you're late tonight I was just about to go to bed. Jesus Jac what are you trying to do to me face timing me looking like that?"
" I could say the same Fletcher, flashing those abs at me when I can't touch them"
"This is not happening over bloody face time" Fletch said firmly
" aw spoil sport." She pouted
"Seriously don't tempt me"
"I'm joking Fletch" she laughed
"Anyway. How was your day Jac? How you feeling"
" I walked miles. My pain is improving everyday. I was a bit late tonight because I was socialising in the little bar downstairs "
"Are you kidding? I mean, no offence but You socialising"
"I know" she laughed "I enjoy human interaction who knew!"
"who are you and what have you done with Jac Naylor"
"I think it's your fault Fletcher" she laughed. God he loved that laugh.
"Anyway" he said nervously " I have news"
"Yes?" She said suspiciously
"well Evie caught me mooning over the selfie you sent"
"Mooning?" She raised an eyebrow
"Not the point Jac. Anyway we have a close relationship me and Evie. She's asked me in the past whether I fancied you. I told her we'd helped each other through some dark times. Basically I ended up telling her that we loved each other and had spent last weekend together"he cringed
"What did she say?"
"She's really pleased. She said I deserved to be happy"
"You do deserve to be happy. And that's with me is it?"
"You know it is Jac. Are you mad that I told her?"
"You know what -I'm actually not. If this thing is going to go anywhere I guess they're all going to need to know at some point"
"I think she quite likes having a little secret to keep for a while. Oh and I told my mum because she's had to put up with me banging on about how much I love you for weeks"
Jac's heart contracted "you're so lucky to have a close family Fletch. Never take it for granted "
"Sorry" he said sheepishly "that was a bit insensitive"
"Don't be silly. Your family made you who you are. And I fell in love with that"
"Wish I could just hold you right now" he said quietly
"Me too. I'll be back before you know it. Love you"
"Love you"

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