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Fletch's hands were all over her body. He was nuzzling her neck and then kissing her passionately. His hand on her breast and then slowly moving further down her body ....
Knock knock
"Jac you awake yet" he asked softly
Jac woke with a start. She was all flustered. "Erm yeah I'll be down in a minute" she managed.
"Ok I'll get the kettle on"
Shit. That dream. I mean wow that dream!
She took a minute to take in her surroundings which she hadn't really done last night - she had been so tired.
There were indeed a couple of Harry Styles posters but also cute teddies, a desk with school books but also a mirror and make up. Evie was in that transition between being s girl and being a young woman. It made Jac sad that she'd never had that transition. She'd had to grow up fast. She was also sad that Evie didn't have a mum around to be there for her. "Fletch can I just jump in the shower?" She called downstairs
"Sure. There's spare towels in there. Use whatever you like"
Fletch pushed the image of Jac in his shower firmly to the back of his mind and made some tea.
Jac let the warm water wash over her. She smelled the shower gel . It smelled like Fletch. She used the shampoo which also smelt like him. What was she doing?
Jac wrapped the towel round her and made her way back to Evie's room. She bumped into Fletch as he was coming out of the room.
"Oh hi sorry" he said "I thought you were still in the shower. I've left your clothes on the bed" he said trying not to look at Jac just wrapped in  a towel  with wet hair clinging to her face. She was beautiful. He blushed
" Oh Er thanks" she said , very aware of her state of undress.
"Fruit and yogurt ok for breakfast"
"That would be lovely but don't go to any trouble for me - your uninvited guest" she smiled
"No trouble babe" he turned and made his way back downstairs
Babe what was that he thought.
Babe what was that she thought.
I liked it they both thought but obviously no one would mention it any time soon

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