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"You are still disgusting Fletch" Jac turned her nose up at his mayonnaise laden sandwich
"What do you mean still?"
"I mean just because I love you now,
doesn't change the fact that, that is still disgusting" she pointed at the offending article pulling a face
He laughed "listen to you declaring you love me all over the place"
"Shut up Fletcher" Jac said but there was a hint of laughter in her voice
"So Frieda knows something's a foot then" Fletch commented
"I think you're right but she will be dying to get proof. We should make her really work for it"
"We'll give her a run for her money" Fletch affectionately squeezed her shoulder . "I'm off to Keller for a couple of hours. Don't miss me too much babe" and with that he walked off whistling again. Jac stared after him , she had it bad.
When Fletch arrived on Keller, Sacha asked to speak to him in his office
"You feeling better now Fletch?" Sacha asked kindly
"Yep fighting fit thanks" he was slightly confused by Sacha's sudden concern
"How's Jac?"
"Erm she seems to be coping with the ward, theatre and everything"
"No Fletch I meant how's Jac?"
"I don't follow"
Sacha sighed  "Look you know that Robyn Miller is good friends with Lofty?"
"And Lofty's  partner is Dominic Copeland"
"I'd heard yes"
"Dom is like an old woman for gossip"
"Uhuh" Fletch said feigning ignorance
"Oh for god sake Fletch. There are a reasonable amount of people that know that Jac brought you in after you were attacked. I asked Dom not to spread it any further"
Fletch stood silent
"Fletch are you and Jac together"
"Erm ...I er.."
"Look it's not really my business but I care very deeply for Jac and she's had a lot of shit to put up with  over the years , she deserves happiness with someone who isn't going to leave, isn't going to hurt her"
Fletch remained silent "Fletch?" Sacha prompted
" I er .. we love each other" he said simply
Fletch was then almost knocked over by a Sacha Levy hug
"You look after her Fletcher. I love that stubborn, sarcastic, funny, magnificent woman"
"Me too" said Fletch

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