Getting on with it

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"Guess I'm gonna have to tell Jonny as well" Jac mused. "Because if I don't Emma will"
"I guess so. Not really any of his business really" Fletch still felt jealous of Jonny. He knew that Jac had really loved him and had done some crazy things to try to keep him. He also knew he had no reason to be jealous. Jonny would always be in their lives as Emma's father so he just needed to get over himself.
"You and Emma want to stay for tea? I'm making lasagne and garlic bread. Mum's gotta go home tomorrow so it's a thank you for her too"
"How will you cope without her"
"Well I'm ok in the house. This comes off at the end of the week so hopefully be able to drive next week. Just be using taxis to ship people round til then"
Jac hesitated "could probably help with that. I'm still off for another week"
"Are you sure? I'm keeping Theo off crèche whilst I'm off. Evie and Mikey get themselves to and from school, it's mainly Ella. Sometimes her friend's mum Darlene picks her up"
"Darlene, that's a cracking name" Jac laughed
"Yeah she's Australian and she's bonkers" he smiled
"sounds like you have a soft spot for 'Darlene'"
"Oh behave she's just a mate. Single mother. Us single parents have to stick together"
"I bet you're popular in the playground "
"I'm not there much anymore. I was hoping I was more popular at work, with a certain head of cardiothoracic surgery" he kissed her neck and slid his hand under her top, caressing her lower back
"Mhmm, yes you're definitely popular with her" she murmured
"Come on help me with tea." Fletch suddenly got up
Jac raised an eyebrow
"I can't carry on doing that whilst your daughter is playing in the garden. I know what you do to me Naylor and any more of that and I wouldn't be able to stop"
"Good point Fletcher"
He opened the French doors
"Hey scamp - do you want to stay for tea?" He shouted
"Yes please Fletch" she said bouncing on the trampoline.
Jac was overwhelmed with love for them both. They hardly knew each other but Fletch and Emma already had an easy relationship.
Soon team Fletcher came in with their gran. No one what at all surprised to see Jac and Emma here.
Theo was the only Fletchling who knew Emma  so he took it upon himself to solemnly hold her hand and introduce her to his grandma, sisters and brother.
"Who's your favourite Disney princess" Ella asked her standard screening question
Emma didn't miss a beat "Elsa"  "oooh"squealed Ella " i love Elsa"
"Who the hell is Elsa" Fletch whispered to Jac
"Blimey Fletch how have you managed to escape having to watch frozen 64,000 times?"
"Who's yours?" Emma asked Ella
"Rapunzel and Elsa" the two girls giggled and went off to play, making Theo go with them.
"That went well" Jac commented
"Yeah kids are a lot less worried than us. They just take things as they come at face value and get on with it"
"We could have done with sone lessons in that months ago" Jac chuckled
"Hmmm" he said wrapping her in his arms

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