11.| Dinner

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Your POV

"Yuejia-ah... are you really going to their house? You could just call his sister and say you're not feeling well," LouLou said.

"Jiejie. Stop worrying so much about me, I'm just going there for dinner is all. I'll be home before you even know it,"

"Fine... but call just to check in okay? Oh, and if anything happens, call us!" I rolled my eyes as I obeyed her.

"Oh, Yuejia. And if you can't contact us, call 119, and if that doesn't work, then pray for Buddha," I furrowed my brows together, along with Jiang, and LouLou.

"What the fuck Yorong?! Your acting like Yuejia is going to die," LuoLuo yelled. I clicked my tongue and slipped past them, and out the door.

I got to the Fan household, walked up to the door and knocked on it. The door opened, revealing Mama Fan. She opened her arms wide open, welcoming me in for a hug. "Awe! I missed my YueYue~!"

"Aha~! Mama Fan, I missed you," She pulled away and cupped my cheek. "I feel like you have gotten skinnier," I shook my head. "I think I gained 5 pounds!"


"Mama! Is that Yuejia?" I heard someone yell from inside. Mama Fan replied back a yes, and pulled me inside.

"Yuejia~! I'm so happy you made it," BingBing-Jie sang as she ran up to me with open arms. I returned her hug and as we pulled away, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

"I'm falling behind on 2 of the dishes, you don't mind helping me, right?" I let out a soft 'push' and took off my coat. "Course not!"

As I was chopping up some of the vegetables, the front door opened. I had assumed it was papa Fan, but little did I know it wasn't.

"Jiejie! You don't mind if I bring my girlfriend rig- Yuejia?!"

I let out a huff, turning my head to meet his eyes. I gave him a fake smile and for his girlfriend, I just rolled my eyes at her. Considering she did it to me first.

"A-Ah. Of course not! What's her name?"

"Her name is Kim Seohyun," He introduces. Seohyun extended her hand out for a handshake, but BingBing-his was hesitating. But in the end, she shook it.

"Nice to meet you. Why don't you go sit down with ChengCheng, dinner will be served soon," Immediately, BingBing-Jie ran back to my side, I looked over at her and chuckled.

"Jiejie. Lighten up. It's just a girl,"

"Huh. Yeah, about that. She seems fake,"

"Don't judge a book by its cover jiejie," I said, tossing some of the vegetables in the pan. "Tch! Yeah right. I don't have to judge it and know that it had a bad ending to it," After BingBing-Jie said that, I then burst out laughing, know she was referring to Seohyun. "Pfff! HAHA! Jiejie! You did not!"

"Oh~! But I did," She then leaned in and whispered something to me. "Is that Seohyun a really that good that you're defending her?"

I shrugged a bit. I'll be honest. I'm just defending her because I believe that we don't know her story, and plus it's because she was in my shoes when I first met ChengCheng's family. "I think she deserves a chance. You know how I first met the family. I'm sure you, mama and papa Fan were unsure of me too-"

"Actually. When we first met you, we loved you immediately. You helped out around the kitchen, was friendly and loving. You were wifey material,"

"AHA! JIEJIE!!" I whined. BingBing-jie stuck out her tongue at me, smirking proudly. "Aiya..." 

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