35.| For My Best Friend Only

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Your POV

The next day, Jiang and I saw LouLou and Yorong. Course it was still awkward for both of us. Or you could say all of us.

I felt more bad about Yorong and Jiang since their, not in this whole misunderstanding, but still, they had to pick sides or what not.

"Yuejia. Look." Jiang pointed into a direction where a poster for the school play was about. They said that meetings are every Monday and Friday's after school, all the way until the opening day.

"So I have a meeting today." I sigh.

Jiang patted my shoulder. "I guess you do my dear friend."

The whole day was not right. If you get what I mean. Like during class time, ChengCheng and I kept on bickering, like over the smallest thing. Usually, these things don't tend to affect me, but surprisingly, today, just today. Everything just ticked me off.

To add to this equation, during lunch, the 4 of us didn't sit next to each other. Obviously.

But the weird thing was we sat at our lunch table, just on opposite ends. You know. So the whole freaking school even sensed the whole atmosphere I and LouLou were creating.

Now finally... it was after school and the whole cast was in the drama room. We all sat in a circle with our scripts in our hands.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

I quickly stood up, stopping everyone from doing what they were doing.

"Mr. Lei."

"What is it Zhen Yuejia?"

I took in a deep breath and looked at LouLou.

"Can me and LouLou change roles?"

"No. I told you already, the roles and students have already been chosen-"

"Yes. LouLou is already a student that has been cast. The only thing you have to do is change our scripts. Please." I pleaded. Mr. Lei sighed before nodding.

"Fine. From now on you'll be playing as Lin JingXiao, and Zhou LouLou will be playing as Chen Xiaoxi."

When class ended, LouLou quickly called my name and ran after me.

"Yuejia! Wait!" I stopped and turned my head.

"What's up?"

She fumbled with her fingers a little before opening her mouth and saying, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

I slowly saw her eyes watered.

I quickly wrapped my arms around her, patting her back.

"Shhh. I was never mad at you." She sobbed.

"I accused you of stealing the part... and then I found out that Mr. Lei chose you, I felt bad. But when you went out of your way to change roles. I felt even more guilty about-"

"Stop. You deserve to play the lead role. Now. Stop crying."

The two of us then headed home with the good news that were not fighting anymore. It was a nice feeling for all of us to be hanging out again. 

The following Monday came, LouLou and I stayed after school for the meeting and rehearsal and what not. Let me be honest. 

I have not watched the drama yet, I know of the drama. But now fully know the drama, you know?

So when I changed roles with LouLou, it turns out my role was related to ChengCheng in a way. He plays the guy who has this major crush on Ling Jingxiao. Which so happens to be me.

Kinda awkward. Kinda weird. Kinda mad at myself.

But, hey. It's not the worst thing ever.

"Okay students. Since our stage has not been made yet, we will continue to practice and rehearsal in this room for now. Let's start in scene 8. Where Chen Xiaoxi is going to attempt at running over hurdles."

The whole meeting went on quite nicely, besides the part where I had to pretend to fall, and suddenly develop a small crush for a school doctor. 

But I guess it was worth it because I saw how happy LouLou was when she got to play the part she wanted most. Even though she didn't fit the part very well since she's quite rebellious. But she got into character and played her part.

"Hey, Yuejia." 

"What?" I answer emotionlessly. Since I know far too well the tone and sound of the voice.

"My sister's wedding is next week. And she would love if you-"

"Not interested." 

ChengCheng quickly grabbed my hand and spun me back. 

"No, wait. Listen to me." He starts. "My sister wants you as a one of her bride's maid." 

I pursed my lips together. It would be such an honour, but... I know nothing about BingBing-jie, besides she's the most paid actor in China and has a little brother that goes to the same school as me.

"No, thank you. But I think it's best if I don't get involved in your family."






Hello Jennings!!!

Another chapter has been updated!!!!

Thank you for reading!!

I'm going to be updating my Zheng Ruibin book next!!



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