55.| Following Me, I See

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Your POV

"Ms. Zhen. I did you look at the numbers?"

I sigh as it was another day, though, for some reason, I'm in a better mood. Much better than yesterday.

"I did, boss. I think this potential business partner of ours is really beneficial for us... however, I don't think his son is too fond of us."

"That is something I will figure out with him. Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

Then, one of the other directors of our company tapped my shoulder.

"Ms. Zhen. Are you free this afternoon?"

I slowed down my walking pace to match with my colleague. I nodded at him.

"Then do you mind joining me for a meal? I would like to ask you about something." 

I agreed to his request. 

So after everything, and once it was lunchtime, which, happens to be around 1:30 pm to maybe 2:00 pm for us... I know, our boss is literally the worst right now.

But I met up with my colleague, his name was Zhang Jinxing, he knew a great place for curry, so we went there. He was kind enough to order for me. 

"So," I start. "What did you need to ask me about?"

He shyly smiles, giving me an odd feeling, but I hoped it's not what I'm thinking.

"Ms. Zhen, I noticed you are friends with Huo Jiang." 

"Y-Yeah... she's my best friend."

"Really? Is she seeing anyone?" He asks urgently.

My lips curved up. "Not that I know... are you interested in her?"

"Well... yes."

I think this will be a good idea to help Jiang find someone. Since Yorong has Yanjun, LouLou has some guy, so it will be good her to finally find someone. 

Before I went on to ask anything else, my brain stopped me and made me wonder how he knows about Jiang...

"Sorry. I'm going to stop you right there. How do you know Jiang?"

"Oh... I know Ms. Huo Jiang because we met her through a mutual friend."

"I see. Well. You seem like a very nice person. I will do my best to help."

"Thank you, Ms. Zhen."

I let out a soft laugh while waving my hand. "Stop, you don't have to be so formal."

He nodded his head back at me right before our food arrived. We both ate and agreed that this curry was amazing. 

The two of us walked back to the hotel and he decided to walk me to my room. When we arrived, I thanked him and headed in. Obviously, it was dark, so I flicked the light switch and instantly got spooked by someone sitting on the edge of the bed with their legs crossed.

I placed my hand over my chest and was heavily breathing. 

I squinted my eyes a bit and finally recognized that this person was someone I knew.

"Fan ChengCheng?!"

And indeed it was him.

He turns his head over to face me like he was possessed or something. 

"Where did you go?"

I swallowed hard. "Um. I'm sorry. How the hell did you get in my hotel room?"

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