47.| Tension

659 29 8

Your POV

Typing... typing. And more typing. Ugh. I can just feel my fingers yelling at me.


"Hey, honey..." I say back without moving my eyes away from my monitor.

"Yuejia. Your boyfriend needs to talk to you." Yangyang says, referring to himself. But I was still stubborn enough to not move my eyes away. "Okay. That's it." He then unplugged the cord, shutting off my whole computer.

"YangYang!" I half-yelled.

"Shh. People will hear." He hushed me in his deep voice. 

"This is your fault." I huffed with a frown on my face. 

Yangyang kissed the top of my head while I just sighed. 

"What is it?"

"Remember about tonight..."

"I clearly remember. That is why I'm trying to finish all my paperwork." I try to explain.

"Who cares... I'm going to take you out and buy you a dress. I want you to shine."

I lifted my head up and looked at him with puppy eyes. 

"Come with me. I just booked an appointment for you to try on some clothes and to get your hair done." 

I smiled brightly, agreeing on going to with. When we arrived, he got out of the car first and opened my door. 

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, my lady."

I linked arms with him as he headed in the shop. He suddenly kisses the top of my hand. 

"Pick anyone that you like."

"Yangyang. These are expensive. I'll wear it once, I don't want to waste so much money on it." 

Yangyang stops and suddenly kisses my lips out of nowhere. "You only deserve the best of the best."

He then suddenly grabs a dress and hands it to me.  "Try this one. I think you look so beautiful in white."


Some people then came and helped me into the dress. And yes, I admit. It was beautiful. ButI somehow saw Zhao Lina in me.

"Yuejia. Come out. Let me see."

"Uh... Are you sure? It doesn't look that good on me." I denied, now knowing that he might have thought about Zhao Lina when he grabbed this dress for me.

"Babe. Come out. I want to see." He insisted. So I have no choice but to listen. I stepped out with my right foot first and poked my head out before revealing my whole body.

Yangyang didn't say anything but cover his mouth hiding a bright smile.

"So? What do you think?" I ask nervously. 

"You are beautiful." My heart suddenly got enlightened by his comment.

So we decided to get that dress. 

"Ready to go?" He asks. I nod. 

And as we were about to leave. I thought back about Yangyang.

"Honey. What about you? Don't you need a suit?"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry, babe. I got one ready already." 

I looked at with slight concern in my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Trust me. Now let's go get your hair done."

Finally, at six. We were done. Yangyang headed to the event and so on. But then we heard something.

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