54.| It's Been A While

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Your POV

Today, was maybe one of the worst days of the year. Well, for me at least. It was one of those weeks where the company goes on a business trip, and you might be wondering why I hate it. Well, I just dislike going on business trips, the idea of travel sounds fantastic, but to do it only for cooperation with another company sounds tiresome.

I much rather stay in my office.

So anyway, I was getting ready, packing my clothes into my carry-on, along with all my business files.

"Hey, Yuejia."

"Yeah?" I answer back.

"Is ChengCheng joining you?"


"To Japan."

"No. He's not completely involved in our company, he's just a shareholder and currently a cooperator."

LouLou nodded her head before taking a climbing onto my bed and making herself comfortable. "So hows that hotel going?"

"The hotel is doing fine. They are estimated to be done within the next month."

"That's good. Oh! I almost forgot. My parents are coming down to visit us next week, so make sure your schedule is free."

"Really, it's been a while since I last saw your parents. I think the last time the came to visit was almost 2 years ago."

LouLou nods. "Yeah... They recently found time to come down and visit. They spent the whole year travelling the world."

I smiled at her. "Lucky them, they have such a successful daughter. I would travel at ease if she had an amazing restaurant that is about to open into a franchise."

"Psh, enough about me. When are you going to get Mama Zhen to travel around the world?"

"She's already retired, I send her money each month, it's just she doesn't want to do anything with it, all she's wishing is for me to get married and have kids."

LouLou smirked. "Well, you should. I mean you already have someone waiting for you, all you need to do is say yes."

"If you are referring to ChengCheng, that is something I still need to think about."

"Aiya... you are so difficult. If I had a boy who is following me around, trying to court me. Then I will agree to them."

"Zhou LouLou, what are you talking about. There's that nice guy who sends you flowers every day, you still haven't say agreed to date him."

LouLou didn't say anything but cover her face with my blanket.

I rolled my eyes jokingly at her before closing my suitcase and bringing it out to the living room.

As I was about to head back into my room, there was a knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole and saw it was ChengCheng.

I opened the door and smiled awkwardly. "ChengCheng, what brings you here so late?" I say before stepping outside and closing the door behind me.

He rubs his nape. "Uh, sorry to disturb you guys. But I'm staying over with the boys tonight and I wanted to come by and wanted to wish you safe travels."

I smiled back. "Thank you, ChengCheng. You don't have to worry about me though."

His brows furrowed together. "How could I not worry! You're going to place filled with wolves, I can't keep an eye on you."

I chuckled slightly as we both blushed.

Wolves huh... Fan ChengCheng, you could've just said boys.

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