21.| Healing

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Your POV

"Yuejia. I'm very happy that you're fine." Ruibin said in relief. I just smiled back before saying,

"Yeah. I just hate how you paired me up with her."

Ruibin then rolled his eyes jokingly. "Look, I didn't know she would use that as an advantage to freaking push you off a cliff, turning into attempted murder."

I didn't answer back, but just gawked at him, shaking my head side to side slowly.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Seohyun anymore, she's gonna be expelled from our school."

I snickered a bit hearing that. "Hmh! She better! Crazy-ass bitch."

"Yeah! I also saw that she has a swollen face from Jiang."

"Who has what from me?" At that moment, Jiang came into our cabin.

"We were talking about how you freaking destroyed Kim Seohyun." Ruibin reply's, doing air punches. Jiang then smirked in confidence.

"Oh hell yeah, I destroyed her. That's what she gets for hurting my best friend and lying to my face."

Right after that, the 3 of us heard a knock at the door.

Jiang ran over to open it, which confused me since she hates opening doors for people she doesn't know- unless... she invited them.

"Fan ChengCheng! Welcome to our cabin."

"Huo Jiang. You did not invite him." I mumbled under my breath. Jiang then moved to the side and in comes the last her person I wanted to see.

"Ruibin, do you know why he's here?" I whispered. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked back at ChengCheng.

"Hey... I'm gonna go find Yanjun and Zhangjing."

"No. Don't you dare leave me here with him."

"Sorry." With that, he runs out the door waving goodbye.

I then glared at Jiang, hoping that she wouldn't leave either. But nope, she gave me a nervous smile then slipped out the door as well.

"And then there were 2," I mumbled. 

"How are you doing Yuejia-"

"What are you doing here?" I interrupted. ChengCheng just kept silent as he closed the door behind him, then proceeded to sit a seat at the edge of my bed.

"Yuejia. I came... to you know. Check-in."

"Check in for what?"

"Don't be like that." He groans, rolling his eyes as slumped down beside me. "How are you feeling?" 

I rolled my eyes and turned the other way from him while answering his question. "I was fine... before you walked in here." I groaned back at him, crossing my arms. 

"How's your ankle?" 

"Fine. Thank you for asking." I replied back nonchalantly. "Yuejia. I really mean it. How's are ankle doing?"

I rolled my eyes, turning my head back at him. "I can walk now. But not perfectly. Happy?" 

"Good. I'm glad you're getting better. Oh, and we should go now, dinner is starting soon." He says calmly before getting up and holding out his hand; offering to help me up as well. But I denied it and tried to get up from the bed myself.

"I can do it- oo-ahh!" 

"Yeah right. Admit it. You need me." He says with a slight smirk as he caught me as I lost my balance. 

He held my hips tightly, bringing me closer to his body.  

I felt my face heat up from being so close to him, feeling his body heat at the tips of my fingers while hearing his heart beating.

"T-Thank you..." I quietly thanked. I was too embarrassed by the fact that he was so close to my face and that... I was wrong about me being fine standing up...

"You can let go now." But he didn't. He just continued to keep his hands on my waist. "Dinner must be ready now," ChengCheng whispers in my ear softly as he pushes me along outside, where we saw all the other students... including Seohyun. 

"Why is she still here?" I whispered to him. His facial expression changes as he sees her as well. "She's still here because our trip hasn't ended yet... we'll still be seeing her for at least another 2 days." 

I then spotted Jiang and LouLou who were already sitting. 

"Hey. I see Jiang and LouLou, I'm gonna go now. Thanks for checking in." As I was about to walk off and away from his grasp, he grips my hips and pulls me back, making me crash into his chest.

"What the heck was that for?!" I half-whispered. 

"I was just gonna say, I can walk you there, just in case you trip or fall again."

"ChengCheng, stop. Thank you for checking in on me, but seriously. Let's keep a fair distance from now on. I need time..." 

After I said that, I could feel his hands loosen up. I made my way over to Jiang and sat down next to her, resting my hand on the palm of my hand.

"Still having a rough time?" Jiang asked taking a bit of her chicken.

I sighed hard, making some of my bangs fly. "I'll get through it."






Hello Jennings!!

I hoped you enjoyed this casual, non-intense chapter because the next one will be intense.




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