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Austin James, the most eligible bachelor, the one with green eyes, soft brown hairs, a hot body
I haven't seen it but I believe its there underneath and a black soul or maybe its just me.
He was already looking at me. He winked, I growled
He smiled at me and I threw daggers at him.
He smiled and nodded his, running his fingers through his hairs and looked away
"How can you be so rude?
Go and ask him out" Hazel said angrily.

"Ask him out?"



"About the role!" she said raising an eyebrow.
But why me
I went towards him, slowly my heart was jumping with exitement and fear.
Exitement beacause I would get a chance to have a closer look at Mr. Eligible Bachelor and fear because being socially awkward is not easy. Its a tough job.
"Uh...um.... Austin" I called out like a freaking lamb who knows that it is going to be someone's dinner today.

"Uh.... um... yes" he said jokingly.

Now that's rude
Mr. Popular you don't know who I am....
I truth is am nobody,I do not exsist in the world of humans!!!!
"Do yo wanna say something, okay I know girls are always stunned after having a closer look at me but...
...." Shut up, I just wanted to ask you if you would like to play the role of assistant monster?" I said fumbling.
No, its not that I was nervous I just hate talking to Austin. Boys like him are all fake.
And Austin James is someone I hate more than flying cockroaches....

"Assistant what?"

I thought he would deny but....

"Ofcourse baby doll, anything for you" he remarked sarcastically.

Ugh..hh I hate him.

"You know I can be the most dangerous monster for you" he said holding my waist tightly as if intended to hurt me.

I pushed him away, showed by middle finger and went straight to Hazel who I suppose already knew his answer.
" Its a big, sarcastic, rude and horrible NO"

" I know" she smiled and said.

" Now let me try, maybe he would listen to me"
she said with all the glitter in her eyes. I nodded.

Yeah, me and Hazel are the directors of this crazy play called 'The monster city' the main role of monster is played by Seth, the nerdiest boy in school who also happens to be my English teacher's son.
"Austin, I am extremely sorry for what my friend did to you. I humbly request you to be a part of our play and play the role of assistant monster" Hazel said as if giving a speech at the world's largest science conference.
" Dude..... sorry... is that all! Your friend showed me middle finger. No one ever dares to do that to Austin James" he said angrily
" Sorry..." Hazel said almost whinning
" Your friend, she is crazy
I don't even know her name and as I can already see she hates me.....
And you think I would be a part of your stupid play, I am sorry" he said and stepped aback to bump into our English teacher who already overhaerd the whole conversation.
"Austin James, I want you to be a part of his play and be the assistant monster"

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now