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A pic of Hazel.

🚨Short chapter warning 🚨

Narrator's POV

"You shouldn't have said that." Hazel said sitting inside the car.

Austin looked straight and drove without a word in reply.

"I'm talking to you. Are you deaf or trying to ignore me." Hazel snapped.

"Shut up. And let me drive." Austin said still looking straight.

"I'm an orphan. The whole school knows that. Why the hell did give such a dumbass reason to take me away from her." Hazel said impatiently.

Austin heard this and pulled off the car under a tree.

It was a dark road with a very few number of vehicles passing them.

Austin gazed into Hazel's eyes and said, "My only motive is to keep you away from her. AND MY JOB IS DONE."

"Ha, You are a stupid man Austin. You probably have forgotten that your sister is in my captive." Hazel said smiling wickedly.

" Don't you dar..." Austin was about to complete his statement but Hazel kept her finger over his lips.

"Aussie boy, you are being an asshole now. What did I tell you. To shut up your mouth and do as I say, but you..." Hazel said clenching her jaw.

"But why me?" Austin asked banging the stearing wheel.

"Because my dear Austin, you were in need. You needed money to cure your sister's long and old heart disease. I gave you money."

"You are a sinner Hazel. A sinner."

"Call me whatever but do your job or else you sister will experience a forever trip to heaven."

"No, don't hurt Andy. She has nothing to do with this. I'll do what..whatever you say." Austin said heavily. A tear of shed through his painful eyes.

"Drive now, drop me home and be prepared for tomorrow." Hazel said and rested her legs on the dashboard.

Austin obeyed. His heart felt heavier than ever. He had a strong urge to kill Hazel but he didn't knew where his sister  was held captive only Hazel did.

Rose's POV

I am an overthinker. For sure. Maybe Austin isn't aware that Hazel is an orphan.
Oh dear Lord,  she must've been hurt. Hope he apologizes for that.

"Rose my dear girl, you must sleep now. Think about your boyfriend in the morning." Mom yelled from her bedroom.
Ofcourse, why not I was switching the light on and off every second.

"Mmoomm, stop it." I said smiling like an idiot." 

I finally switched off  the lights and just closed my eyes. Thinking about Austin. 

I was home. With my mom. My mom has been with me always. Dad not so, he mostly was busy with his work but never neglected me or my childhood. He used to spend as much as time possible with me. I felt such a happy child.
But love has the capability to cherish or perish every moment of life.

I experienced the most bizzare face of love. When I fell in love with

Luke Mendel.

A/N: This was just the half truth you learnt in this chapter.

More secrets will be unfolding in upcoming chapters.

If you guys are liking what I write, plz vote and Comment to tell me how am I going

A special thanks to Lies_suck for patiently reading my amateur writing and voting. Thanks 💕❤💕❤

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