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"Oh, sweet baby jesus look at that dress, its so cute" Hazel said as she pointed at that preety white dress.

"Oh, sweet baby jesus look at that dress, its so cute" Hazel said as she pointed at that preety white dress

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"You know that's not for you,Hazel"

"Yeah, I know that for Mia!"


"Yes, my sweet little daughter...!"

We both smiled sheepishly.

"You know what, Rose
I am hungry..... so pizza or chocolate pastry?"

"Why not both.
How about chocolate pizza?" I asked bringing all the glitter in my eyes.
"Why not!" I got my reply you know from whom.......

Yeah, I know I could be a real weirdo sometimes......

I could still smell something wrong in the air something like a bad omen...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Holy mother of Christ, this dress is too good to buy but I can atleast try it on..." I said and I went to the trial room.

I put that dress on and looked at the mirror

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I put that dress on and looked at the mirror


I told that I could smell bad omen

"That's pretty baby doll!"

What is he doing here.

" What the ........."
Did he see me stripping
"Hey what the hell are you doing here...?" I said him covering myself with my hands though I was wearing the red dress.

"Do you want me too buy this for you" he said holding my shoulders from backside as I faced the mirror.
The scene looked as if a very cute and happy couple...
But you know the truth.
I was actually blusing when said that to me.
"You know what,I hate favours"I said raising an eyebrow.

He turned me so my back is facing the mirror
He held me by my waist, he came closer, I could feel his breath on my nose.
It smelled mint and chocolate.
"Really, baby doll but I wish to do this favour on you..."
My face goes deep red..

"Will you both come out" we could hear Hazel screaming her throat out.

I pushed him and went out wearing the same red dress.

I got out of the mall.

I hope Austin has already paid for the dress,if not then.... it does'nt matter.

A/N : Here is the chocolate pizza I mentioned above

A/N : Here is the chocolate pizza I mentioned above

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Lots of chocolatey love💖💖

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now