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"You shall be the king of the city of monsters"Austin said his dialogue and fell down.
" There you are. Now I would like all of you to call off for the day" Hazel said and she went out of the hall with all others or say all other monsters.

I stayed there to look out for all the arrangements that are pending.

Suddenly the lights went out.

I was searching for flashlights when suddenly I felt those big arms grasping my waist tightly.
I could feel that hot breath on the backside of my neck, when suddenly I heard a familiar voice
" Baby doll, I warn you I can be a very dangerous monster, ggrrhh....."

Wait, I know that voice

I pushed him away so that he lands on the table behind with a great voice.
"How dare you touch me!
No one is allowed to touch me and no monsters especially" I exclaimed .
He was angry and I could see that.

He pushed me towards the wall and held my wrist so that I couldn't move
" You are doing a big mistake miss.... umm......"

"Rose Wade"

"Yeah, whatever.....
You are going to pay for this.... I promise you.."

"Oh..! I am scared
Please don't kill me" I said sarcastically and laughed.

He gripped my hand even tighter and banged his other hand with great thud.

Honestly ,I was nervous but still excited I pushed him slightly and he let me go.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We usually do not have holidays on saturdays but today is some local festival on account of which we had holiday.
I was out with Hazel for shopping unaware of what is going to happen next.
I always believed that whenever my little finger itches, its a bad omen

And, today was one of those day when my pinky finger is itching badly.........

A/N : Sorry for short chapters...😔😔
Lots of love..

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now