18 13 3

"Austin?" I called baffled by what I heard.

"Ju..just forget it. It was just dream. I.. I was talking in dreams." He
said sluttering.

"To whom?"
I asked.

"Umm..... I don't remember." He replied getting out of the blanket.

I didn't wanted to but I did believed his story. As I didn't hear his whole dream. But I definitely heard that some 'lady' wanted to kill some 'her'.

"Can we have something to eat" he asked.

Holy grace of Greek gods.
His abs always have me distracted.

Focus Rose Focus.


"Damn it!
I thought this would work.
You know what little Andy. Your dear loving brother is weakhearted."
The lady said to Andy.
(Aussie's sister.)

"No he is not. He is brave but not coldhearted like you." Andy screamed.

"DARE YOU." The lady said holding her mouth tight.

"Leave me. You are weakhearted. Cannot handle the pain of being rejected."

The lady was raged so much that she ended up hitting Andy on her face. Hard.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that. Ever again."
She said and went out of the room that had only the door as a source of light.
Which she locked while going.

"How dare that skinny girl mess with me. She thinks she is pretty and everything would work as she wants, she will get whatever she points a finger to......"
The lady kept on repeating the same things. While sitting in a rocking chair and moving wierdly.

Deep down inside even she knew that it wasn't about Andy but 'her'.

In the evening.

Rose's POV

The day went just like that. Talking, fighting, eating and real close moments.
Austin is not a bad person to hang out with.
Only that I don't wanna fall for him. Or else I would be counted in one of those ass headed girls who drool over Mr eligible bachelor.

"So girl did you enjoy the trip." Austin asked packing off his things in the bag.

We are about to leave for the hotel in the morning.

I say doing the same.

"Well then what's the plan for tonight. Are we gonna get high again." He said sitting beside me.

"No, never in my 108 incarnations!" I said shaking my hands and head.

"Hahaha... You are very cute baby doll."

"Tell me something new"

"We will reach the hotel check out and go back to NY city."

"What, is this for real. I can't wait to see mom, dad, Kathy(Rose's younger sissy)
And Hazel.

"Yeah" He said in a pale tone.

"Why aren't you happy."

"Once we go back you won't mingle with me the way you are doing now." He said disappointed.

"As if you care." I questioned.

"I do." He said and immediately and kept his hand on his lips.

"You do."

"I don't know but you are amazing. For the first I saw you I didn't even know your name and now, from the past few days the only name I keep on chanting is yours."

"So the playboy is falling for me..." I teased

So am I.

"No it's not like that."

"Oo la la, Can you feel the heat Austin."

"What heat" he asked trying to hide his blush.

"The heat of your cheeks."

"Shut up." He said annoyed and went into the bathroom.

I just sat there smiling and thinking of us as couple.

Suddenly I heard Austin shouting at someone probably on phone.
"I am coming back to NY city. And rest is all your deed to do."

What was he talking about what deed.
I went near the door and tried hearing it all but he opened the suddenly letting me fall over him.

"Were you trying to spy me." He asked with me still over him.

"No I was just.... just trying to knock coz I think I needed to pee."
I said getting off him.

"Great." He said and went out of the bathroom.

I closed the door and thought confused yet excited what was he about to do.

A/N: A loads of apology for late update...

Finally our main leads have started to feel about each other but what is the deal with the lady.

S3cret to be revealed in the next chapter....

Plz guys vote and more importantly comment.

Love to all💖😍💕💕

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now