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Rose's POV

My heart started dancing inside me. He was coming closer and closer our lips were dangerously close and his lips parted to say something.
I shut my eyes and parted my lips too just to hear him saying "I ain't gonna kiss you baby doll."
I suddenly felt jerked off. A harsh wave of embarrassment struck me. I almost murmured "Well then why are we so close."
He smiled and said, "I won't let you die."
"I mean I was just buckling the seatbelt for you"

"Austin you are a jerk." I said almost pushing him.

He laughed and started the heaven we were sitting in.

We were away from the hotel now.
The place was really green and smelled lovely the trees seemed to talk to us and the wind was whispering things into my ears.
"We have reached here."
Austin said stretching his body in various unknown directions.

Holy Christ he must've been really tired driving car all along.

Well later did I realised that the place we have reached was a hill top with a real good view of the greenery which was somehow embedded in the city.
I was standing just at a point where even if I sneeze a bit to hard from the normal I would fall off the cliff. A stepped aback a bit and stretched my arms as if I wanted to hug whatever my eyes were seeing.
I just stood there in the same position, hands stretched and eyes closed.

I suddenly felt something, someone coming closer to me, I opened my eyes and turned back to meet a pair of eyes, green in color but till the time I could even recollect myself and see the person's face I was pushed, pushed down the cliff, pushed to death.

I couldn't see the face but I saw a bracelet in my hand. It had red and black beads stiched on a black thread with each bead having a yin yang symbol. I was falling but didn't loose consciousness. The bracelet was definitely not mine. It was his.

The last second and I closed my eyes just to wait for death to take me in her arms.

"Wake up baby doll we are almost there."
I almost jumped of my seat with his voice trying to wake me up.
"Holy doll of good spirits I'm alive or are you dead too." I said in disbelieving happiness.
"Well well baby doll were are all alive and close to our destination."
He said chuckling.
"Aah, good."
And we both spent another minute of silence. Driving through, when he suddenly spoke up "you slept. I didn't wanted to disturb you.
Did you saw a bad dream?" He said cupping my face with one hand and driving with the other.
"Yeah I was real close to death. You know"
"No I don't. "
"Shut up Monster."

"Oh, would like some melody." He said bringing his fingers closer to the music system.
"Yes" I said quickly and saw his fingers turning it on.
"Wait what, this can't be the one."
"What is it baby doll?"
"Where did you get this bracelet from."
"Why" he almost jerked off.
"Uh, no nn..nothing." I said somehow."

I excessively pressured my brain on thing that how could it be the same bracelet with those red and black beads stitched onto a black thread with each bead having a yin yang symbol.

I am sure I never saw this bracelet before.

A/N: Look who's back.
Thank you so much guys for all your support and reads and votes and patience to read my story.
I feel like I am at a conference giving a speech
*(laughs hysterically)😅😅

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now