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3 years back...
Place: LA

Rose's POV

"Say no more, I get you. I went through your age and I know what it feels like, but this isn't your true love. Trust me. You are too young for this." I explained my little cousin sister who was 7 year old and claimed that she has fallen in love.
And wanna know who he was, well a boy from our neighbourhood who went to school with her.

"Rose, you absolutely have no idea. I am in love and he loves me too. I feel like flying grasshoppers in my stomach."


"Okay, first of all young lady, you are too young to talk about love. Second, sharing and possessing same kind of toys isn't called love. And third and most important,  those are butterflies and not grasshoppers!" I said shaking my head in disapproval.

"But Ro..." she was about to say something stupid but I shut her mouth with my hand and said,
"Cara, my love you are too young to talk about this and you have a whole plate of Mac n cheese to finish. So ruuun..."

She ran away quickly.

I'm 16, I never had a boyfriend in my whole life and this little piglet has fallen in love with the neighbourhood piglet. OMG, kids now a days.

I went behind my little cousin sister. She was Aunt's daughter and trust me smarter than her age.

At night about 9pm, when I was taking a walk down the icecream cart. I saw him. I never really got to know his name. But trust he was absolutely gorgeous. As soon as I reached to the icecream cart I saw him approaching towards me.

Well my school basically had boys with a face which seems to be hammered by a Jackhammer a several times. If you ask me score I would give them 0.1 out of 10.

But this guy was just made and sent by greek gods. And surprisingly he brought this little piglet with him aka Cara's young love.

As soon as Cara saw him she went madcow and hugged this little gentleman, who didn't hug her back.

Aww my poor little thing.

"The red headed Barbie that I gave is a symbol of our love and in return you give me your red coloured remote controlled car" Cara said with a charming face.

Smartass my little piglet.

"Hello beautiful, what's your name." The greek god asked bending down in his knees.

Holy Christ, the voice so heavenly.

"Cara" she said with a smile plastered.

"So beautiful you are, I must say!" He said with a smirk and looking  once in a while at me.

Am I dreaming.

"And what are you called gentleman?" Cara asked him.
And I am glad she did.

"Luke.. Luke Mendel." He said.

Great finally I know his name. He is Mrs. Tibble's our neighbour's niece. He visits her often after Mr. Tibble's death.

Since then I had an eye on him. But never got a chance to interact.

Thanks to Cara she is in love with Jake( the piglet guy.)

Soon both the lovers finished their icecreams and looked up to me and Luke respectively to pay up. We did.

"Okay young man, you must go back to home and have some sleep" Luke said expecting me to say the same to Cara.

So did I.

No wonder I am so hopelessly desperate for a partner in my life.

"So, never really got to know your name.." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Rose..Rose Wade" I say.

"Beautiful." He remarked.

"What me or my name?" I snapped.

No wonder I am flirtous.

"Hmm.. no doubt, both of you.." he said and smiled.

And the small flirty chit chat went on for some more time and then we bid each other goodnight and went in.

This went on the same way for a few days, and ofcourse sometimes with our piglets knitting their own cute love story.

We even shared our phone numbers.

Things were heating up really quick between us. We started by names  but now we were far beyond just names. I enjoyed his company. But ofcourse love is one of those emotions which cannot be hidden and soon my mom noticed all the happenings.

My mom is cool about all such things but she always said that things are too quick between me and Luke.
She said that haste makes waste, but I always told her it's alright and everything will work out as it is supposed to but you see..


A/N: I know the flashback story is weird, but could not think of anything else, hope you guys are liking what I writing.

Plz drop your comments and votes.

And special thanks to kimpreet_lakhyaann
For providing regular feedback.

Love to all❤❤

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