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2 months later...

Austin's POV

Hazel, such a sinner she is. Rose offered her with all her love, trust and friendship and she holds a long lost grudge against her.

Such a sweet girl is my baby doll. What she must've done to Hazel, that Hazel is all bloodthirsty after her.

I need to find out. I can't let Hazel do anything to my Rose.

And as I can already see my baby doll is calling me.
"Yeah, babe.."

"Where on earth are you Austin? I am waiting for you."

"Aww, you don't have to Rose. I am all yours, forever!"

"Austin James, remember we have a pretty good college to attend and graduate!"

Oh crap! I forgot. I need to get ready.

"I am on my way, to my girl." I lied and hung up.

I went straight into shower came out in just a minute and wore a black shirt with a pair blue jeans. Ruffled my hair. That's how she likes it.

Soon in front of the main gate. I ran straight to my biology class. I really need sit beside my baby.

As I entered. The first person to greet me was Mr. Summers with his grumpy smile. I was late.

He started babbling in his very own special language of yelling and the whole time I kept looking at Rose. She couldn't see me there but I could. Smiling and giggling. Her smile so cute and innocent. Selfless and kind. Perfect.
I could not even think of what I was about to do.

She was sitting beside her bestie aka enemy, Hazel.
Soon Mr. Grumpy finished and let me in. I sat far away from her. I had to. She smiled at me, so did Hazel.
But there was a huge difference in both.

At the time of lunch break I looking out for Rose who just disappeared magically.
I searched up the whole University but couldn't find her. I asked everyone about her but nobody had seen her.

But it wasn't just Rose who was missing. Even Hazel was missing, which kept on worrying me eve more.

I was sure Hazel was upto something. Something bad, real bad.

I need to find her. But where, Hazel wasn't anyone who would stay at one place. She was sure to change her location.

But still first I need to get out from college. I took my bag and drove off.

Just then my phone rang. An unknown number came up. But I knew who it was. I picked it up. I had anger raging up but I couldn't show it. Rose was with her. Unsafe.

"Hello" I spoke out.

"Trying to find me, Aussie boy"
It was Hazel.

"Don't touch her."

"Aww, bad boy. Where are your manners?"

"What do you want?"

"Asking as if you don't  know"

"I can't. I can't Hazel please! What has she done to you."

"Oh don't you get personal with me. Stay professional Austin."

"Where the hell are you? Tell me."

"As if I would tell you."

"I will find you. Whatever it takes."

"Try to, please! After all you have to do the honours of killing your girlfriend."


"Forget not, I hired you to kill her not to love her and mourn for her."
Hazel said with a determined voice.

A/N: Look who's back.
Okay so I was extremely busy with my college. But hey, I finally updated.
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