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What! I could not belive it on my eyes that Hazel and Seth were together.I got this news at midnight when she started to scream for minimum 3 minutes.

You just want attention....
You dont want my heart.....

My phone rang.

" Hey, baby doll its me you assistant monster, Seth is having a party tonight and I really want you to come."
Yeah it was Austin..
Damn where did he got my number from...
"Just because its my 'Main Monster's king's party...
I would be there...
I said as I was about to keep my phone down..
When he screamed like a freaking monkey.
"Don't hang up..."
"What" I said really irritated.
" want you to wear the red dress from that day"

"Yeah, sure, BYE"

And I hanged up.
Ok , so not because he had told me so but I had no choice other than this so I am wearing the dress.

I didn't expect this coming I am getting social. Ha.. ...funny.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Ah, there I have been waiting for you"Hazel said almost hugging me.

" Yeah, that's really shocking, I never expected you and Seth..."I said really shocking.

I am usually not party type but it was Hazel so the party was important.
The only fear that I have is that I don't drunk. I can be real freak show when drunk.

I went to the terrace where the real party was organized.
Seth is kinda millionare so it was all normal for him.

The terrace had a pool which had all white and red balloons floating in it.
The roof top was all decorated with bright lights and the big wall behind me had beautiful picture of the happy couple - Seth and Hazel.

"Hey, baby doll do you like the decorations?" A familiar voice from behid said.
"Stop calling me that. I hate it" I said pointing a finger.

"Aww,baby doll really.
I just wanted to tell you that you looking super hot in this dress."

I can feel myself blushing.
No stop it. He is a monster.

" Thanks!"

"Yeah, ofcourse, afterall your boyfriend paid for this."Austin said winking.


" You will get it"He said and went to all those pretty girls standing at bar wearing those tiny little dresses which barely covered their body.

"Here, have a glass of wine."
Its was Andy Austin's twin sister.They weren't identical twins but both were pretty in their own special ways.

Andy is fair, tall with green eyes and beautiful brown hairs.

Andy is fair, tall with green eyes and beautiful brown hairs

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"I dont drink."

"C'mon its for Seth and Hazel"

"Just one glass and that's it"


I drink it and guess what
One glass
Two glasses
Three glasses
Many glasses.

I am drunk.

"Yes, I am drunk now you can take me to heaven or hell. You can also take me to hongkong disney land or north pole......"

Yeah I know I am talking stupid but can't help it.

The next thing I remember that I am in huge room
With a big white bed and lovely tourquoise curtains and lovely creamy couch.

Where am I?

A/N: This chapter was a bit boring.
Next would be a thriller.
Lots of love💖💖

Also, I would like to add the character Andy is my very special friend..
Means that my friend suggested me this character.

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now