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Where the hell I am.Okay this room looks super awesome and I absolutely love it but seriously what is this place.But wait a second my hands are tied to the corner of the bed. I am wearing a long white shirt which smells like him.

No..no.. I am overthinking.he can't be here.

My head was aching badly. As if someone just landed a tonnes of load on my head

And suddenly I hear some weird sounds as if someone is playing with the door knob.
A click sound and the milky white door wide opens.

I see a familiar face.
It wasn't clear due the sunrays but it seemed I knew him.

The great muscular body came near.

I could see brunette hairs, highly styled. Handsome face with jawline so sharp that could literally give me a paper cut.

"Good morning,Rosey.
How you feeling. I know there is a bit headache but thats ok." He smirked.

What, I knew this voice. Its him. Its definately him. I can never forget this voice.I could see
one of my greatest fears coming true.

"Luke!" I exclaimrd in shock.

"Yes, guessed right that's me.You haven't forgotten me yet. I know you missed me."

His wicked smile is my greatest nightmare.

"What place is this? Why am I here? And why have you tied me?" I screamed in disgust.

Luke was my exboyfriend.
We broke up because I eventually came to know that he is an asshole. He was with me just for my body. I loved him like hell but he wanted my body. He was a total psyco. He followed me and my family everywhere after our breakup thats the reason why we shifted from LA to New York.

But little did I knew that he would follow me here too.

"So, Rosey how about a breakfast date." He said and smiled.

I hate him I hate him I hate him. If I were free I would have just shove off his head with his same sharp jawline.

Yeah I know its weird.

"Shut your dirty mouth and let me go"I said struggling hard to untie myself.

He had tied me so well as if a professional kidnaper.

He walked towards me. He jumped on the bed and slowly glided his hands through my thighs and then with a sudden jerk he gripped my cheeks so hard that I couldn't open my mouth ,and said
"Aww, Rosey you know how to turn me on. I love to see you frustrated on me. Hahaha..ha."
He was laughing sadistically.

That's disgusting.

I spat on him really hard so that my spit lands on his face and yeah it did on his lips.

"Let me go Luke"

He did not react. He just climbed out of the bed and went to wash his mouth.

He is a total retard. I cannot believe he did not react. But I swear he won't be easy on me.
I knew him he won't let me go so easily. He was certainly planning something.

 He was certainly planning something

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Luke Mendel

A/N: Sorry for late update guys.
I was busy with schooling and stuff.

Lots of love💖💖💖💖

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now