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Rose's POV

Another minute of silence and that's it.
"I can't keep quiet this long. Can we not talk about anything?" I said impatiently.
"Fine, what do you wanna talk about cats, pups or Barbie."
"What, I already told you Mr eligible bachelor I am not like other girls."

Cats, pups, Barbie I hated them for my whole life.

"I know baby doll you are not like other girls. Any guy would love being with you, but..."

"But what?"

"Umm.. But nothing we are here. You see over there." He said pointing his finger upside where our destination was.

It was a beautiful cabin up there with luscious green grass surrounding it. The wood cabin was small but cute.

He stopped the car and gave in a hand to me and I stepped out.

Just as we were about to enter inside the cabin his phone rang.

It sounded like a lady. Who does he keeps talking to. Is she her girlfriend. I suddenly felt a tinge of jealousy. I stood there waiting for him and saw him walking away from me.

Narrator's POV

"You know it's difficult. I am trying my best." Austin said .

"Do whatever you want but do it fast. Do not forget what I did for you." The lady on the phone said.

"Do not worry. And dare you touch my sister."

"Big brother is scared uh?"

Austin did not reply but just hung up the phone and went straight up to Rose and lead her way inside the cottage.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Rose enquired.



"Listen up girl I don't think it's necessary for you to know everything."

"I thought I could help but you are a hard ass rude donkey." She said and turned to towards the chair.
As she walking towards it Austin grabbed her wrist and pulled her, and held her tight by her waist. Their faces just inches apart and bodies grinded to each other's.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean that. But I am a little bit tensed and I don't think it's the right time for you to know everything."
He said softly.

"I understand." She said smiling.

"You do, Holy Lord that's a miracle." Austin said teasing her.

"You are a monster Aussie."

"Well then face this"
He said and kissed her softly on her lips.

She was tempted by this as if she she was waiting for this from ages.
She kissed him back and the kiss or say the tongue battle went for another few seconds and Austin broke the kiss pulling away and asked, "Hungry ?"


"Cool" he said and went into the kitchen.

Austin's POV

I just stood there and thought this isn't going well. I shouldn't be doing this.
What if I fall in love with her. No that would be so wrong and difficult for her and for me.
Wake up Austin, wake up.
Your sister is everything for you.

To do what she said on phone I have to be strong.

A/N: So there is someone mysterious in this story. Who is she and what has she done with Austin's sister. Read to find out.

And thank you everyone who ever is reading my story.💕💕

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now