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Rose's POV

"Rose shall I bring you a guy?" Austin said taunting and sitting inside the car.

"Guy?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so you could just marry him, have children and settle down." He said.

This guy is crazy. Never ever have I seen him talking straight. Why does he has to tease and taunt me every time.

"Yeah, sure. But let him be better than you." I said in reverting.

"Woah, demand is too high. Not possible." He said raising his hands in air.

"Can't get enough of yourself, huh.."
I said setting my self in the car.

He just nodded and drove away from the wood cabin or cottage or whatever you want.

We are quite close to the hotel now. I looked our of the window and asked him "Aussie you look good kinda.... great body, nice money.... ah.. Why don't you have a girlfriend." I said almost quickly.

"Never found you." He smirked.

I blushed. Real bad.

Focus Rose Focus.

"C'mon now. You can tell me." I say.

"You will come to know soon."

"Why do you always say that? And when is your 'soon' going to do a face reveal."

"Well, very soon?" He said.

I almost felt like punching on his face with a metal hammer.

I turned my face towards the window. Expected him to look at me. And so he did.

Austin pulled off the car.
And turned to me. He cupped my face with one hand and placed another on my hands.
"I am not lying baby doll.
It's true I never found you. I know you are not like those blonde bitches but you are you."

"Wait a minute, are you fall..ing for me." I said sluttering.

"Maybe, all I know is this wasn't supposed to happen." He said now cupping my face with both his hands.

Needless to mention, dangerously close.

"I don't say I am perfect. Neither do I want a perfect girl. You are imperfect but perfect for me. And I, Miss Rose Wade, am in love with you."
He said.

Leaving me in utter shock. I missed a heartbeat. I didn't know what to say.
I don't know if I could ever fall for him. Or anyone. Things happened to me back then, which left a scar on my memory and my emotions.

I don't know how and why but I almost felt a tinge in my heart. Or maybe a spark.
I couldn't resist but I kissed him on his lips. So did he.

Our lips were now moving in sync and he slowly pulled me on himself. I cooperated.
Soon I was sitting on his lap and he was on the driver's seat.

Both of us were so much dissolved, but suddenly my movement of body resulted in the beeping of the horn and we suddenly pulled apart.

I realized our positions and quickly hopped back to passenger's seat.

"I'm sorry." He said waving his hands through his hairs.

"No it's not your fault." I said slowly.

"Okay then are you not gonna say it." He said in hope.

"Yeah. I.. lo..ve you.. tt..oo." I said realizing that I slutterted way too much.

He smiled and we both blushed and he continued driving. I looked out of the window again but this time with a different view.

Austin's POV

I don't know how but this happened. Somethings are meant to be.
I always feared this. I kept on saying myself but stupid love. Happens to those who don't want it and that too at wrong times.

Now the scenario is I can't even see her getting scratched, then how the hell am I supposed to......

A/N: Sorry readers but suspense is the necessity of a story.

But glad that finally both of then have confessed their love.

Now the question is What does Austin exactly wants.

Read to find.🧐🧐

Vote and Comment too.

Love to all💕💕

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now