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Rose's POV

"Hazel, my sweetie are you gonna tell me where the hell are we heading to" I said panting.

Though her body doesn't say so but she believes that walking is the best exercise. But hey, this is getting too much huh!

"Patience babe, we are almost there. Today I will shock you with my surprise." She said with her always cheerful smile.

We kept on walking for a more 15 minutes and then came a very old cottage. One with a horrific appearance.

"Are we at some kinda horror movie shooting?"
I asked

"A horror movie, ha... Why not a murder  mystery!" She replied grinning weird.

"Okay, now you are scaring me gal"

Oh yes, she was! Hazel De'costa, the one I know will cringe at the sight of this haunted looking house. But this one has dragged me up here, all by herself.

"Come on in Rose, let's explore" she said holding my wrist.

"Okay!" I said and followed her.

The door was jammed at first, but the with a little pressure it opened with the typical 'creek' sound.

Inside was all dark. I couldn't even Hazel's face.
We had no source of light.

"Hazel, I think we should be getting out of here, we hit our heads to some open cabinet door and fall unconscious."
I said worriedly. If any of us gets hurt there is no way of calling the ambulance coz there is no network in here.

"Such a scaredy cat you are, aren't you Rose? Don't worry nothing will happen to me."

"That's good, but what if something happens to me?"

"Oh, like this....."

She just said this and something pinched me on my shoulder. It felt like a syringe.
And I could feel myself fainting. My eyes getting heavy, and Hazel laughing.

Austin's  POV

How the hell am I supposed to find her, Rose my baby would be so in trouble. What that bitch must be doing to her.

My train of terrifying thoughts won't stop at any cost. I have to find her but how.

My phone ringed again, even before the ringtone started I picked it up.

"Oh boy, weren't you dying to receive my call!"

"Don't you touch her. I would rip off your dirty soul out of your body."

"Oh! I am scared to death" she said.

"Please, Hazel please, leave us alone, what has she done to you?"

"Oh, Aussie stop whinning like a sick puppy. Behave like a grown up."

"Speaking on the phone at some unknown place is easy. If you got some guts speak face to face."
I said almost shouting.

"Provoking me, huh! Okay then, look your left"

I did as she said.

"Do you see a man in a red tuxedo?"

"Yes, I do"

"Looks like a clown, doesn't he?"

"Come to the point Hazel."

"Oops! Sorry, okay look to your right."

I obeyed.

"Do you see a guy in black hoodie?"

"Yes, I do"

"Walk towards him."

I obeyed.

The hoodie guy handed me a piece of paper.


"Did you get the message."
Hazel blurted.

"Hazel, what the fuck is this. Tell me where you are."

"Okay..okay, calm down. Now let's get down to business, follow him."

And again I obeyed.

The hoodie guy looked familiar or maybe it's just me.

He led me to a old haunted looking cottage. I kept every step carefully.

'PHAT!' Came a voice, it was a gunshot. I knew for sure.

"How did you like the welcome?" Hazel came out from the dark grinning with a gun in her hand.

"Where is Rose?" I asked ignoring her terrifying welcome.

"Impatient, aren't you boy, okay come along." She said turning around.
I was following her. For one I thought why not attack her from behind and end it once and for all. I lifted my hand but someone pointed something on my back. I turned to see, it was that hoodie guy with a gun pointing to my back.

"Heads down, follow her straight!" He said. His voice sounded familiar.

I went straight inside. Hazel stopped suddenly, so did I.

"Ready Austin?" She asked grinning.

I did not reply.

"Lights Seth." She said looking at the hoodie guy.

Lights were switched on and I could see the hoodie guy's face. It was Seth. Our English teacher's son.

On the other side was a girl tied to chair with chains. Unconsious. Her legs drenched in blood
It was Rose. And the sight  was horrifying.

Such a slender, delicate body, going through so much pain.

I went towards her and tried to untie her but to no avail.

"Look at the love, Seth. We are gonna be a happy couple like them one day, won't we?" Hazel said clinging on to Seth. And I just sat beside my unconscious Rose helplessly.

"Hazel darling, we are not gonna be like them." Seth said holding her tight in his arms.


"Because we are gonna replace them." He said and both laughed devilishly.

I never felt so helpless in my life. My Girlfriend is tied here unconscious. My sister Andy is nowhere seen. I am trapped in this ruthless deal of killing my own loved ones.

"Austin" came a faint voice and how could I not recognize it.
It was Rose. She was gaining her consciousness.

I wiped my tears and held her. Caressed her.  What else could I do.

"Rose, get up, wake up, it's me Austin! C'mon baby doll we need to get outta here. Hurry up."

"Austin do really love me?" Rose asked me with a shaky voice.

"Oh, yes yes, I do Rose. Why do ask?"

"Or was all of this love thing a trap to kill me?"

This question of hers stunned my whole body. Hazel told her everything. And possibly in a way to break her heart. Her trust on me.
It was a mistake to to let Hazel inside my home that day. Me and Andy were so happy eating our pizza when the door bell rang. I went to the door. A girl with a wicked smile appeared. She gave me a piece of paper. It was a medical report.
It beared Andy's name. It said that Andy has Cancer, lung cancer.

I laughed at the report and said "Fool someone else."

"Ask your sis" the girl replied.

When I interogated Andy, she confirmed it was true. I was shocked. The first thought that came into my mind was Andy treatment and for treatment I had no money. Hazel promised me to give that, but got me in a shitty deal.
Got my sister kidnapped and now Rose too.

A/N: Okay, so here one more thriller chapter. Please do read and vote and Comment.
Love to all💕💕

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now