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Rose POV

A hot water shower bath is the best thing if it's a cold day. But the most shocking fact is that the guy I hated at the beginning of the term is now taking me to a date.
Okay okay fine just an apology trip, but I really don't understand why do I not hate him anymore.


Anyways, I came out of the shower expecting Austin's call because I think I took way to long showering but to my surprise what I saw was a hot pink dress with all necessary accessories and a cute pink note reading 'I hope this is your size monster'.
I am impressed, I am impressed, nice. A bad monster guy turns into a sweet romantic gentleman.

I got inside the beautiful dress and trust me the dress looked so awesome especially when on me.

The next thing that I did was a light makeup. I looked like some Korean doll who just got up from sleep and had a nightmare of getting her face ripped off by some ancient tool.

Anyways if he likes me then he will like the way I am. Even though I get my ass ripped off.

Just as I was about to style my hair straight I saw some weird creature outside the window. I went near the window to see and voila to my surprise what I saw was a drone! Wait, what a drone. With a note hanging below with a satin ribbon.

I opened the window and let that thing in,
The drone directly landed on my head.

I was annoyed and down through the window and I saw Austin standing there in black tuxedo, looking absolutely hot.
I think I have never seen anyone doing such a justice to the outfit.


"Holy mother of breadsticks, If you don't know how to control then why do you take such stupid electronic creatures in your hand?" I yelled at him.

"Well, babydoll you see, I was just trying to impress. This poor little guy is just begging you to come down ASAP."

"Oh boy, you are being cheesy."

"Do you like it?"

I said and closed the the window.

I didn't straighten my hair and didn't care leaving them dirty and messy.

I ran down and came out of the lobby just to see the most perfect bachelor standing before a sleek white limo.

"Holy banana chips...."

"I look good right" he interrupted.

He came close to me but I total attention was on the limo.
I pushed him aside and hugged the limo.
"Where did you got such sleeky car on rent?"

"You think I am that poor"

"You are not?"

"I didn't get it on rent" he said pulling me away from his rented or whatever limo.

"Wanna get inside"

"Duh, ofcourse." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well then let me get the door for you."

"No, Let me do the honours."

I said and went inside and sat on the sear that felt like heaven under my butt.

"There is something I wanna do to you." He said.

Well this scary because this does not sounds like a kiss at all.

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now