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Luke's POV

That son of a bitch hit me so hard between my legs that I actually fell down unconsious.
That swine has manipulated Rose so well that she doesn't even realise that he is dangerous for her. She does not know what he wants from her.
Only if she knew who is the right boy for her. Only if she knew that her life is in danger.

I can not sit and wait here for her to get into a problem. I need to go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rose's POV

"Did anyone just say PIZZA?"
Okay I was actually asleep but pizza works as an alarm.

"Did you just wake up?" Austin said with a surprise.

"Yup, you ordered a pizza?" I asked.

"Yes I did and for your kind information I am not willing to share it." He stated.

"Well then, get ready for thiiiiiisss..." I said almost jumping on him with a pillow.

I started to hit him with the pillow till the pillow was almost destroyed.
I was sitting on his lap with my legs on either sides of him. My hair was all messed up and a few brown strands on my face.

He just smiled at me and tucked those strands at the back of my ear and said
"You are cute. But..."


"But baby doll I won't share my pizza with you." He said this and was getting up. Thank goodness I held him by his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.

He carried me and dropped me on the bed and threw himself on me.
He was close. Very very close.

"You smell awesome."
I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"You are a flirt" I said.

"Do you know you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
OMG!! He is flirting. Holy shit.

"Do you know that is the most common and cheesy line I have ever heard." I said cuping his face and pouting.

Though we were together just for time being but I have started liking him a little.
And when I say little I really mean little.

"We are in an awkward position. Aren't we?"

Well yes we are and I really don't know what would happen next.
Maybe something..... Gross thoughts Rose Gross thoughts..

"Then why don't you get off me Austin" I said.

"Yeah,you don't like it huh" He said in a way as if flirting.

"Well, no"


He got up and started taking his shirt off

"Hey what you doing" I screamed and put my hands on my eyes.

"Oh does it bother you babydoll" this time he was really close.

I pulled my hands down and looked at his naturally photoshoped body. Those toned abs, well defined obliques, broad chest....... uh...

"Don't be so stunned baby. I am all yours" He said winking.

Hell ya. He is hot. And me, dumb head.
I actually did not realise I was looking at him with my mouth open.

"Wanna help me out in shower?" He asked heading towards the bathroom.

"I believe you should help yourself" I said.

He smiled and went in.

Thank god for that he had his pants on.

I could hear the sound of the shower turned on.
When suddenly I heard something hitting the marble tiles hard. No not a shampoo bottle but a metal thing. Something heavy, something like a weapon.

A/N : Look who updated. Meee.......
Guys please read the story and tell me how is it going.
For the first time I have tried a new POV.
Also checkout my profile
Love to all💞💞💖💖

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now