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"So Rosey, bagels or pancakes?" He asked as he was wiping his face with a towel that was white. His room was just full of whites and white is a color of peace but he absolutely has no peace on his mind.

"Pancakes I suppose !" he said with absolutely no doubt. He definitely knew I loved pancakes.

"Let me go" I said.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot the rule a kiss before and after the breakfast"He said coming closer to the bed. Why on earth did I made that rule. Yeah, of course I was in love with a lunatic.

He came closer and then climbed on the bed. He was leaning down to kiss me I closed my eyes afraid that I could not bear Luke kissing me when all of a sudden he fell down on the bed. I looked at Luke and then the person standing in front of me with his hands curled to form a fist in Bruce lee style, smiling at me as if a small child who found his mother after a long time.

"How is it going Baby doll?"

"Austin !"

"Yeah, I thought you were missing me so...."

Honestly I never expected him here.

"I thought we are just enemies." I said raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"Nah, we are just friends. Bad friends"He said wickedly.

Just then Luke got up and punched hard on Austin's face. That's what I wanted to do but its okay.

Austin fell down on ground. He recollected himself and kicked on Luke's family jewels.

Ouch, he was whining in pain.

And then Mr assistant monster untied my hands and legs. He picked me up in bridal style and I held the back of his neck so that I do not fall even if he drops me down.

We head out of the white room to stand right above a stairway that is just so majestic.

"Way to home baby doll." He said smiling.

I absolutely have no idea why am I blushing.

"lets go monster" I said

"Can you feel the heat"

"what heat?"

"heat of your pink cheeks baby doll"

"I didn't get you" I said as if not knowing what he is trying to say.

"I mean your cheeks are heating up." he said smiling and walking down the stairway.

We got out of the main door and there was a car waiting outside. It was not a Lamborghini or Mercedes but it surely was evil.

He dumped me into the passenger seat as if a garbage bag and himself sat on the driver seat.

I looked around the place was familiar but I was damn sure the place is not New York.

A/N: Hey guys. sorry for short chapters.

Just wanted to share a weird picture I came across

     Just wanted to share a weird picture I came across

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Lots of love💖💖💖

WAITING FOR A SECOND CHANCE💕|| Wattys 2019||Where stories live. Discover now