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Rose's POV

Sunday, A day of relaxation and fun for others. But for me, well I had a big, fat evil coursework to complete.

' zz..' my phone vibratred in all its glory and was ready to fall of the table. I picked it up before its suicidal act.

"Hello, this is Rose Wade."

"Hey, Rosey this is Luke."

"Oh hey, sorry didn't get time to call you."

"What is keeping my girl away from me?"



I am red now. More  than the red bird in angry birds.

"Today is Sunday Rosey, can't we meet?" Luke asked me.

Unable to deny, I said "Sure we can honey."

"Tell me when you are free"

""Umm... at the evening I guess."

"Can't wait to see you Rose!"

"Me too teddy."

"Stop calling me names Rose." I guess he was face palming while saying this.

"Sorry cupcake." I said teasing.


"Okay, sorry seriously." I laughed.

But I couldn't wait for that evening.

We met at out favourite spot, his home. He lived alone so we were all free to do whatever we wanted.

He ordered some pizza and champagne. I said I was not allowed to drink but he never listened.
He got both of us drunk.

I could keep the track of time and that night was weirdly cold. Our cuddles started to become moans that night. Our soft talks became screams.
I lost my virginity to a person I loved wholeheartedly.

Next morning when I woke up. I realised I wasn't on my bed. Ofcourse why would I be.
Luke was not sleeping beside me, wonder where he went.
I checked my phone, 35 missed call from mom. I immediately tried to call her but before I could she did.

"Rose where the fucking hell are you?" Never ever did I heard my mom swearing.

"Mom, I am really sorry. I  can explain this.."

"No, baby you can't. You need to come home as early as possible. You need to see what your dear boyfriend has done in here." Mom almost broke in tears.

"What! Luke is there. Mom I..."

"Come soon Rose!" She said and hanged up.

Wonder what is happening there. Mom sounded worried. Luke is not here but he is there.
I had to go and I went.

My eyes popped out at the sight of my room. My Mom sat on the bed, crying. My room looked like the most shady part of the internet.

Photos from last night were hanging on the walls. My naked body felt like a curse to me in the photos.

How could he do this to me, I loved him and he loved me back in such an incest manner.

Luke was standing there at one corner of the room, smiling. I was speechless. I had no power to fight him. He didn't blackmail me or something. He just smiled and looked at the DVD in his hand. Smiled and went away.

That very day we left LA and shifted to New York. Leaving behind every past. I hurt my parents. My mother told me that  he wasn't a good guy. I never listened and this is what it cost me.

I stayed away from everyone at school. Just made one friend, Hazel. I showed her all my cards and I am glad she understood me.

And then came Austin in my life. He made me forget my past.
He taught me to live in my present. I fell in love with him. And I am afraid of any betrayal this time.

A/N: Guys plz shower some love on my book.
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Love to all.💕💕

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