Chapter 7

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I walked into the building cautiously. The gun in my hand, ready to aim and fire. It was nothing but a empty building, papers filled the floor with knocked over tables and blood that painted walls. I continued walking. I turned around every once in a while to check if I am not being followed. I came to door and slowly opened it. Like what I have done with the place" a voice the intercom announced. With that said my speed increased, becoming more cautious. I walked into a room with containers that carried unhached cocoons. I walked until I came to a door and opened it leading to another. I tried opening it but it wouldn't cooperate.

" Breach detected in room zero" a computer voice called. So someone is in there, hopefully enjoying their.

Leon P.O.V

More off these machines I thought. I cant until this is over. Everything paused.

" I dont like this" Helena commented.

" That makes too of us" I replied.

" Dis-engaging locks in room zero" and the door opened. We walked out, I walked to the controls. I laughed silently and looked at the camera that showed Chris and his "Partner".

" Come on we have to go" Helena called. I turned around quickly to my surprise the girl in the background looked like (y/n). I blinked and she was gone.

Your P.O.V

I managed to make my way around the chambers and moved on. I heard a laugh and turned around and saw Leon, he turned around and I quickly managed to escape his vision. I hid in the darkness luckily I wore complete black. He walked to Helena, still staring in the same direction he saw me. I stayed still and looked back at him but I had to stay away from any one even Leon. I know how he feels because I feel the same way. They jumped down and started running after a lady with a blue dress and red scarf. She throw a smoke grenade at Leon. All I could do was watch as made his way to her." Ada!" He yelled. I looked to where she stood, catching my eye...Chris running after her but aggressively.

" Dont lose her" he yelled to his partner.

" I wouldn't " he replied. His partner stopped her by engaging and he shot the ground, instantly stopping her. Leon came behind Chris on a sneak attack but it didn't work. Chris blocked his attack sent Leon flying forward.

" Men" I giggled and watched him pull out his gun.

" Leon" he sounded surprised.

" What are doing here?" He continued.

" I am here to put an end to this" he replied.

" I am doing the same and the only way to do that is if you move out of the way and let me take Ada and then all of this is over" Chris sounded like a hero but Leon took none of it.

" No i will not let take her" he said to Chris.

" You know she works for Umbrella, right?" He asked.

" Yes i do" Leon nodded.

" And are still going to protect her?" He asked.

" Yes" Leon replied.

" I lost all me men because of her!" Chris yelled with anger.

" I lost over 700 000 people and President because of Simmons!" He yelled then calmed down.

" And (y/n) is still missing, i dont know where she but I gonna find her" Leon stated. Chris eyes widen at that.

"(Y/n), our (y/n) she is gone? How?" Chris asked. Leon shook his head.

" Captain!" Piers said as Ada throw a flash grenade and made her escape. Piers ran after her, followed by Helena. Leon stopped her

" He is gonna kill her" she said. Chris stood up and followed Piers . Leon used his hand and stopped him.

" We want the same thing here" Leon said and Chris nodded and ran off. I waited until Leon and Helena left.

I was walking. I was mostly walking, i killed a few zombies. I walked to a door and saw Simmons unaware of Leon, Helena,Jake, Sherry and the new girl where in the same area.

" Simmons!" I shouted with joy. He turned around, I reached my pocket for the sample of the T-virus and then I felt a bullet pierced throw my body. I froze with the T-virus in my hand, I dropped to the ground holding my wound and heavily breathing.

" You fool" Simmons yelled at the guard that shot me, she was one of us. I looked at him, I fell to the ground , the cold hard ground. I was getting cold, losing a lot of blood, I layed motionless. My vision began to blur,it was soon interrupted by Leon.

" (Y/N)!! Dont die on me" he looked at me woth worry, fear written all over his face. I took his hand and gave him the T-virus

"This was Simmon wants protect it" I said before taking a long breath

" If anything happen use it...if...there is a mat." I was interrupted but a cough, blood covered my hand. I was too weak to say another word. I felt colder and colder until I felt nothing.

Leon P.O.V

She stopped talking. I looked at her, I put my fingers by her neck to feel her heart beat...nothing. I lowered my head as sign that she is not breathing. My grip on the T-virus tighten, anger rushed through my vains. I stood up still holding her. I felt a hand on my shoulder turning my attention to Helena. She looked at me, telling me to leave her body behind and come for it later. I refused but something said I should, all thought I hate leaving her body...I had to. Jake, Sherry and the new kid went their way and me, Helena had to find Simmons...quickly.

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