Chapter 37

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Once again me and Leon are running for our lives from the enemies but we are in the jungle. The sound of leaves and sticks being stomped on was heard with gunshots. I ducked but tripped over a tree root and I heard thier footsteps approach me, just when I thought I was done for. Leon grabbed my arm and pulled me up. At this point my lungs felt like it was on fire and sweat covered my face.

"We are not done yet" Leon spoke.

"Leon, I can't" I respond.

"Yes, you can" Leon said, sternly.

"Leon, just go. Go without me" I pushed him away but he wouldn't let me go.

Leon sighs and picks me up, I felt like a baby in his strong arms and I felt safe, something I didn't feel in a long time. Leon ran away and I coils hear his small pants as he looks around to see if there are any enemies around. Once he started running, he let's me go and fell to the ground. Leon rolls over and holds his arm that was bleeding. I cursed and rushed to his side, took out a band aid and wrapped it around his arm. He sighs heavily and groans in pain.

"I told you, you should have left me behind" I said.

"Look, I have important things to do than attend your funeral" Leon grins like an idiot but I can't help to chuckle.

"Why? You'd get emotional?" I teased him.

"Yeah, you wish" Leon spoke.

I chuckled and helped him to his feet. We noticed it was quiet, we didn't run knowing we lost him. We walked, staying alert for any signs of movement. Leon tries contacting the base but nothing, no one to call, we don't know where we are, where to go and we are sure as hell not gonna turn around and head back to that hell hole.

The jungle, its nice but we never know whats lurking behind the trees, even if there is something behind us. A tiger, snake anything could kill us out here and I don't like the idea of being eaten alive, not by a zombie nor a animal.

We took one wrong turn and caught uo with those guys as they started shooting at us again. Me and Leon ran for our lives just to come to a dead end. I looked down at the water fall, knowing its our only chance to survive. Leon turns around, looking to the direction the enemies lays.

"Tell me you have a plan" I spoke.

"We fight our way out" Leon responds.

"No we-"

"Get ready, they are coming" Leon says and I looked forward.

I looked between the enemy and the water fall then I took action. I pushed Leon off the cliff and I knew he would survive. Once Leon hits the water, the bad guys grabbed me and dragged me away and the last thing I heard was Leon calling my name

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