Chapter 46

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After sometime me and Y/N left the tribe and walked deeper into the forest. It was relaxing to be away from our job's as a kid, me and father would get out and camp out with friends on the weekend. We would collect wood, start a fire and tell all kinds of stories around the fire, those were the best days of my life, no stress and no worries about when an infected person is about to nibble on you.

Every once in a while, I'd look at the moon as it lits up the sky and the stars gave it a sight to see, the stars shinned like glitter in the sky and the light from the moon shines down, apon me and Y/N.

She grabbed my hand, bringing me out of my thoughts and I looked at her.

In the moon light, her eyes are bright and looks like its about to change color and it brings out more of her beautiful facial features. She had a radiant smile on her face with made my heart skip a beat and I forgot hoe to breathe.

"Leon? You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why ya ask?" I respond.

"Its just looks like your deep in thought. What's on your mind?"  She asked again.

"Its nothing, just thinking of my past" I said.

"Really, what was your childhood like?" She asked.

"It was fun, worry free and its something I wish for" I respond.

"I'm sorry Leon" She said.

"What?" I asked.

"I mean like you had such an awesome childhood and now, you have a suicidal job and crazy scientists creating viruses" She said.

Y/N speaks the truth, crazy scientists isn't the words I'd use.

"Well, that sums up our 'suicidal job' and working as agents for the government, going undercover on missions" I said, sighing as I remembered I have paperwork at home.

"Yeah, it sounds like some spy fantasy movie" She says.

She moves ahead, pulling me with her and we end up at a cliff. She moves to the edge and my heart beats faster as I got paranoid. What if she falls off? I moved closer to her as she looks down from the cliff.

"Its beautiful out here" She says.

"Y-Yeah" I answered.

"You okay? You sound nervous. Are you afraid of heights?" She asked and looked at me.

"What? No!" I said, screeching a bit.

"Awww, thee Leon Scott Kennedy is afraid of heights" She teases me.

"And I thought you were afraid of nothing" She laughs.

Damn it! I hate when she teases me! It turns me on, she is so fucking hot.

"Stop!" I whined like a 5 year old kid.

"Its okay, I'm here to protect you" She says  and moves closer to me.

"I'll be your hero" She said.

She stops in front of me and there was a small gap between us, she had a smirk playing on her face, she gets closer and placed her hand behind my neck and pulled me close to her.

I looked into her eyes and I didn't see what I usaully see in her eyes, this is something new. She had desire in her eyes as her eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips.

She locks her lips with mine, her lips were soft. I wrapped my arms around her as I melted into in the moment. 

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