Chapter 30

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"A sign of failure?" Leon questions.

"Yes" I turned to look at him.

"If you fail to impress Albert, you'd end up dead. If you fail to follow his orders, you die. If you fail to report to him after a mission, you'd get punishment from him" I continued and I saw Leon's face had a bit of worry and his eyes softened.

"I-I am sorry to hear that.........and about your friend" He said.

"Its okay. Its over and I moved on" I walked past him and Chris was reading some files that he found.

"Ummmmmm. Y/N, right?" Chris asked.

"Yeah?" I answered and he looked up to me.

"You were reported dead and now this file says you were found dead then you woke up when Umbrella took you away" Chris eyes and I narrowed my eyes and walked to him, confused.

"I know I went missing and all that but how can I die and somehow come back to life?" I questioned.

"That's odd" Leon comments.

"Yeah. I think is Wesker's way of covering his tracks" Chris says and my head begins to hurt.

"Yeah but why did he report her alive?" Leon questions and I began to have flashbacks to when me and my best friend were kidnapped my Albert. I can hear her scream for my help perfectly clear as if it was yesterday, her scream rings in my eyes and the image of her taken as she reached her hand out for me to grab and save her. Her green eyes contained fear and the guys took her away and into a black van. I grabbed my head and grunt in pain, it felt like someone was bangs hammers on the inside of my head and it hurts a lot.

"Hey. You okay?" Leon asks and placed his hand on my shoulder and all of a sudden my body became weak and the pressure on my shoulder caused me to fall to the floor. Chris and Leon quickly came to my aid. Leon placed my upper body against him and Chris took out his flashlight.

"Y/N?" Leons voice started to fade and my vision becand became blurry. Chris shines the light into my eyes.

"We need to take her back" Chris says and his voice fades away. I saw Leon look at me with worry in his eyes then looked to Chris as my eyes slowly closed and I began to feel tired and my energy left me.

"Stay with us, Y/N" Leon said and that's when blackness took over.

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