Chapter 36

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Me and Leon dashed through the door and I held it closed as he barricade it, shutting out the zombies wanting to eat us. My lungs felt like it was on fire and sweat ran down my forehead as I wiped it away with a sigh. I leaned my back against the wall and slowly slide down, my legs were aching and shaking from all the running and I felt tired, powerless. Leon took the moment to catch his breath as he sits down next to me.

"What a nice way to start a mission" I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, right. There is more to come" Leon responds.

"Lucky us" I said sarcastically and looked at my hands.

This mission was about getting the virus and taking down the villain but it didn't work in our favor. Since we step foot in this place, everything went south. We got our whole squad, one by one died, BOW's are after us and not to mention we are hunted not just by BOW's but by the creator of the virus. He is looking for subject. Pretty lucky but I have a feeling only one of us are gonna make it out alive.

I have multiple injuries. I was stabbed in my arm, I broken some of my rubs and I have cuts on my legs that are bleeding and I'm in alot of pain but I push that aside because the mission is more important and there are millions of lives on the line, if I fail then all the effort put in will be wasted. I sighed heavily at the thought and slowly stood up.

"Come on, we have a world to save" I held my hand out for Leon.

Leon looks at my hand then to my eyes as he took my hand and I helped him up. He sighs a bit and dusted himself off.

"Okay, fine. Let's do this" Leon says, walking past me.

"After this, I need a drink" Leon spoke.

"Same, I buy 'hem for us" I respond.

"Good girl" Leon smirks and walks through the door.

I stood with my hand on my hip as I chuckled and shake my head at his words. Good girl, that's new. I soon followed him into the darkness and continued our mission.

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