Chapter 52

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It's the next morning and the bed was cold even though I had a blanket covering me, it felt cold without Leon.

I opened my eyes and looked over at his side of the bed, it was empty. I sat up and pulled the blanket up so that I can cover my chest. I looked around the room and saw his shirt on the bed, I grabbed it and put it on.

His shirt was huge and it completely covered me, well not really completely, it hung until my knees which means, I'm either very small or Leon is a large man.

I brought his shirt up to my nose and inhaled his scent, it was strong manly scent which made my knees weak.

I left the bedroom and went downstairs to find Leon making breakfast. He stood tall, wearing only his sweat pants, his hair a bit messy, probably messy because of last night and the fun we had.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Morning babe" I yawned a bit.

"Morning, you still tired from last night?" Leon teases.

I blushed, remembering every single event that happened last night, I groaned and buried my face in his back which caused him to chuckle.

"Come on, breakfast is done" Leon says.

I nodded as sat on the island stoll and began to eat the breakfast with a smile because it tasted really good, I let put a satisfying moan and Leon looks over to me, confustion marking his face.

"What?" I asked, confused as to why he is looking at me strangely.

"Women" He simply mumbles and continued to eat his breakfast.

A while later, Leon had prepared himself for work and I helped him like fixed his tie which he always get wrong, somehow.

He stares down at me, watching my fingers corrected his tie as I placed a gentle pat on his chest once I was done.

I looked up to him, his blue eyes scanned my face with a gentle expression, his lips pushed together and my eyes went to his lips.

I stood on my toes and kissed him gently, he returned the kiss, placing his hands on my hips and my arms were around his neck. Once we pulled away from the kiss, Leon moved some hair behind my ear.

"You look hot in my clothes" He says and I immediately blushed.

"I love you Y/N" He says.

"I love you too"

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