Chapter 15

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Its been hours since we left the dead facility. I paced up and down, try it figure a way out.

"Where are we?" I asked impatiently.

"We don't know, we came here a couple of months ago" Lara answered. Claire looked at me as if she knew something.

"Wait... you mean... as in Lara Hades, Amber Padalecki and Jane Horester" Claire asked. Thier eyes widen with shock and turned around.

"Yeah thats us" Lara rubbed the back of her head.

"We will got you three out of here, safe and sound" Claire stated.

"What...are they the once that disappeared years ago" Chris whispered to her. She nodded and walked away.

We came to a tower. We hurried to get to the control center. There was some sort of red flashing button. Jane popped her head over the button, standing on her toes. She pushed the button and play a recording.

I am, (Y/n), I work with the B.S.A.A.
Please, help help
If you know them tell them.
Here are B.O.W.S, he wants death
Help! I dont know where I...
Call someone, call Leon...have..
No,no,no,no stay back, backup...
Give it to me now!
The anti-virus

The recording ended with static . I stepped back and shrugged . Claire walked to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I sighed,Lara closed her eyes and walked to the window. She touched the window and opened her eyes

"I know what happened to her" she caught our attention.

"Continue" Chris walked closer to her.

"So,she ran in bloody with a knife inside of her" Lara said pointing to the bloody knife on the floor which is surrendered by a pool of blood.

"Then she made her call" Lara making her point clear.

"Then someone burged in" Claire had a puzzled look on her face.

"But who?" Chris asked looking at the door.

"None other, than the famous Simmons" Amy crossed her arms.

"You are just as smart Mr.gumpy over here" Jill poined to Wesker.

"But died" I said shocked.

"Dude this recording were taken a couple of weeks ago" Amber said sarcastically. I walked to recording button and pressed play-back and listerned to it one more time but I got the secret message. I gasped and turned around.

"What, Leon what is it?" Claire gasped

"Listern" I said, playing it one more time.

"Please,B.S.A.A help them" I said pointing to the girls.

" I have the back-up anti-virus" I continued.

"Smart girl" Chris smiled

"Yeah but where is she?" Lara asked.
We heard a cling sound and turned our heads to find Amy standing with it.

"Yeah its the anti-virus but that wasn't the only secret message in there." She stated walking to me.

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