Chapter 31

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I woke up in a white room and on a soft bed. It was soft and comforting as I sinked into the bed and it felt I like I was on a cloud.

"This is.......curious" I said to myself and sat up as I looked around. There were bookshelves filled with all kinds of books, I threw my feet off the bed. I groaned as I thought of leaving the bed. My feet touched the ground as I stood up straight, I noticed I have new clothes on and it was white.

"Someone looks fresh" A deep voice said and I turned around to meet a large figure, leaning against the door frame with a slight smirk on his face and arm's crossed over his chest.

"Leon" I said as he straighten himself.

"Hey, how you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I guess" I replied.

"That's great" He walks towards me, slowly.

"There is clothes in the bathroom, if you wanna change" He says and I nod, walking to the bathroom. I look at the clothing as I removed the ones I am currently wearing.

"What's up?" I asked, narrowing my eyes a bit.

"Nothing. Just thought I'd pop in and check on you, I'm worried you know" He said as he stopped a few inches away from the bed.

"Yeah. Cut the bullshit! What you really want?" I asked, annoyed.

"Whoa. Smart, I was actually thought you were gonna fall for that, I'm here to ask you questions" He says plainly. I fucking knew it!

"Okay. Shoot" I said.

"First of, what happened in that facility?" He asked as he sat down on the bed.

"A lot of weird shit man. Its things you see, attack, use. All that and the screaming, pain. It was like a asylum" I said.

"That sounds familiar" He comments.

"Yeah, so how did you get dragged into this shit?" I asked as I put on the clothing.

"Well, it was my first day as a rookie in Raccoon City. I survived it with Sherry and Claire and after that, I promised I'd remove the viruses off the face of the earth but each time it gets worse" He responds with a small sigh.

"Sounds horrible" I said as I looked into the mirror. My E/C was brighter and had less life in it and my hair was short. I examined my face in the mirror and noticed a small scar across my eye brow.

"Yeah and the worse part is, I mostly get sent on missions without breakfast" He states and I laughed at his words.

"What?" He question as I walked back into the room he was in. He lays on his back with his hand behind his head.

"Breakfast? Really?" I snickered.

"Its not funny" He says sternly then I realized I laughed and my spirit was lifted, I never knew I was able to be happy. Most guys try to make me feel better but it never works then Leon comes along and he was able to do it without trying. There is something about him that is different and I like it.

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