Chapter 23

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I had just left the hot shower. I looked in the mirror my E/C was shine, my cheeks were a light shade of pink, my H/L H/C was wet and light pink lips. The mirror showed my reflection. I smiled and wrapped the towel around me and walked to me and Leons room, where he layer on the bed. I grabbed fresh pj's and threw them on. I turned around and caught Leon staring at me.

"Like what you see? "I teased but failed and turned a red.

"You are just so beautiful. I am just amazed at how lucky I am to be your husband"He said. He stood up and walked to me and took my hand. He looked down at my hand and softly caressed the ring. My eyes went from the ring to his blue eyes. I softly kissed his lips.

"Come on wifey. Time to get some sleep" Leon said and I smiled. I softly layer beside him and he wrapped his arms around me and pressed a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"I think I am the lucky" I said turned around to face Leon.

"Oh really? "He smiled.

"Yes. Your just so amazing" I said.

"But I found you again"He said.

"What do you mean? "I asked.

"I guess you don't remember me huh?" He said. I stayed quiet.

"Remember you were 13 and you went with your parents to Umbrella. Remember the boy you met and.." He said.

"..We played around and pretended to be scientists and robots but I never got the name"I said piecing it together.

"No matter what fate.." I whispered.

".. Always people together again" He completed the phrase we always said. I looked at him, dumbstruck and he just flashed his famous heart warming smile.

"That was you! "I shouted.

"Yes" he smiled. I jumped up with pulled him into a bone crushing hug. He chuckled.

"You found me" I said.

The next day,I woke up and the sun shined through the curtains and I smiled at the beautiful view. Clouds was a bright shade of both white and grey. I turned around and saw Leon's sleeping face, I move his hand and tried to get up but Leons arms said other wise. He pulled me back into the bed. I giggled and he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Good morning"Leons deep morning voice echoed in my ear.

"Morning"I replied and smiled. Well let's just say Leon didnt want to get out of bed and I wanted to spend time with him.

Hey its me again. Sorry I have not uploaded in ages. Huge author block happened. Also a shout out to my (best) friend CloverRoseLynn. She has an amazing Leon x reader book, go give a follow and lots of love. Bye.


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