Chapter 6

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We arrived at a facility, after a 5 hour drive.All I could do is stare out the window and into the deserted streets. The streets reminded me of when me and Leon were roaming around the BSAA. We were talking to each other when we returned to our room. I layed in my bed, looking out the window,day dreaming then the thought of losing everyone I love. Tears rolled down my eyes.

" (Y/n) are you ok? Why are you crying? What is wrong?" Leon voice brought me back to reality. It felt real. I grabbed my arm and looked at him. He looked concerned and worried. I realized that it was just a dream felt like it happened. I looked in his eyes and pulled him in a hug. Everything stood still,everything felt warm.

" Miss...miss (l/n)" and with those words. I was brought back to reality. I looked around. I quickly left the car and entered the tall building,that touched the sky. The halls were filled with scientists that paced up and down.

" Miss.." a voice hissed. I turned around and a tall guy with brown hair and a unshaven beard. He wear a white suit.

" Simmons, Derek Simmons, national chief security advisor" he said with a smile. I nodded and showed me around I arrived at my room.

" Make yourself at home" he said warmly and left. It was a huge room with a wide bed standing in the middle of the room, with 2 windows next you the bed. I walked to the bed and gently placed my hand on the bed. Then my phone rang, I quickly took me phone out...its a message from Leon, that said:

It's been a while and I miss you a lot. Tell me where are you? I am worried. Message me

I replied saying" I am fine, Leon I am at a private facility. I don't know where I am!" And pressed send but it failed. I checked my connection... I can't send messages. Someone blocked all communication. I frustratingly let out a sigh and placed my phone once again in my pocket. I left my room searching for Mr. Simmons. I found him walking cross me towards a door.

" Mr. Simmons" I called while speed walking to him. He turned around and faced me.

" Uh Miss (l/n)" he said warmly. I asked him questions about the facility and it is located. He was very cooperative, we roamed around the facility for hours. We got to know each other, he was friendly , kind.

" Sir...sir, excuse me sir" a voice called from behind us. Simmons turned around and faced he guy who was calling him. They spoke science a language I don't know. After they were done, the guy left and Simmons turned his attention once again to me. He looked disappointed and furious.

" What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me and let out a sigh.

" It's nothing! We..we just can't reverse the virus and turned it into a cure." He said while looking at the window that was inches away from us. I felt his frustration and anger.

" Maybe I can help" I said softly. He quickly turned his head towards me.

" Will you get a sample of the the T-virus?" He asked curiously. I nodded my head a yes, he face brightened with a smile.

" Come here miss, we are going to give you the necessary equipment and give the co-ordinates" he said as he walked to the equipment area like a hurricane. He gave me a phone like device with the location pin pointed, a nine-oh-nine, shotgun and a some grenades. They dropped my off 10 miles away from the facility. In front of me was a tall building. I marched forward and came across a highway. A familiar truck rode pass me but i turned my attention to the mission.

~Sorry for not updating for a while. My upload schedule is crappy lol~😂😂

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