Chapter 43

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I woke up with my head aching at the spot that I was hit on. I groaned, rubbing my head as I looked around. I wasn't in a hospital or in a camp, so where am I?

I spotted Y/N on a table near me, I stood up and walked to her.

She looked like she was dead, there were band aids almost covering her whole body. My heart dropped to my stomach as I tried to keep myself cool.

"She'll live" A voice calls.

"How long were we out?" I asked.

I turned around and looked at a man who sits in a dark corner with his head down as he leans against the wall, being shady with his hair covering his face, arms crossed over his chest.

"2 days" He spoke.

"No shit?" I asked.

"No shit. You were injured badly and she was near death. If they didn't find you two in time, she would've died" He says.

"Thanks. I'm Leon" I said, introducing myself.

"Zed" He said.

"Its a pleasure meeting you Leon"

"Likewise" I respond.

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"She'll live, if she gets the right medicine" Zed says.

"Okay. Um, so where are we?" I asked.

"Deep in the forest, your safe" Zed says.

"Sit down, relax" Zed points to a chair.

I sat down and sighed as I realized how much I missed home.

"So, what's so interesting about living in the forest?" I asked.

Zed noticed a snake and picks it up. That move reminded me of Krauser when we were just partners, sometimes I miss that son of a bitch.

"Nature. And also because Hanso needs to be stopped" He responds.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah. He is my brother, he just got lost in this world"

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